new computer advice

I'm thinking about buying a new computer, since my old one is old (see specs at my profile)

The configuration would be the following:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450, 4x 2.67GHz, 333MHz FSB, 2x 6MB shared Cache, boxed ~240e

ASUS P5Q-E, P45 ~115e OR ASUS P5QC ~110e

Sapphire Radeon HD 4870, 1024MB GDDR5, 2x DVI, TV-out, PCIe 2.0 ~230e

4096MB Mushkin ES2-6400 CL4 KIT Essential ~70e

3.5" Samsung F1 500GB HD501LJ/HD502IJ 7200U/m 16 ~60e

520W Coolermaster M520 Real Power ~70e

Coolermaster Dominator Xcalade 690 ~70e

In Total: 850e

What does crossfire think?
crossfire thinks that u will buy a new pc :o
maybe some advices on problems, better solutions etc -.-
uhh , i would give u advices but i dont know about this things xD (maybe just a lil bit ;p)
Take 8800GTX Ultra
Save the money and eventually you'll have enough to buy a cool sportscar. You'll get way more pussy with that.
Don´t buy ATI, you will have to wait for driver updates at every new game, and you will have driver problems in general, it´s just crap.

Monthly driver updates, something that nVidia doesn't do. Also, I beg to differ on that "driver problems in general". With X2(CF) model yes, you are bound to have some problems, but nVidia's SLi isn't trouble free either, same kind of things plague that.

Honestly, the new HD4 series have had 2 driver releases only, and 3rd is soon(in few weeks) coming out.
he is actually doing a good choice there(dont post more biased sites plz). I bought a 8800gt and the lastests drivers for it were out after a couple of months it came out, no support afterwards.

and yes 4870 is waay batter than 8800 stuff, drop your faboyism(I own both cards)
You are comparing two different generations of gfx-cards - that never works.
Those aren´t biased links, probably those are 2 of the most reputable german sites when it comes to hardware tests. (besides few others)

To correlate with topic:
He asked "what do you think". That´s what i think <stop>
Yeah believe "the sites", why would people even bother in buying ati stuff, bc its cheaper? It works for me I've never had problems with drivers or games. I'm just saying the card he picked is the right choice, performance/price wise. Not like getting your GTX card that after a few weeks get prices cuts of 100 or 200 bucks, like if it were an iphone.

And about that computer, I would probably get a better 2cored cpu and a better power supply.
E7200 / E8200 will be better if u are gamer
I want something to get me through another 4 years, and the trend definitely goes to quadcores, imo future games will work way better on quadthingys, than on "just" dualcores.
Next year you will get Octo-Cores for the same price, no PC nowadays will bring you through 4 years if you are in gaming...unfortunately ;(

Well but 850 € is quite ok for that sys, but stick to nVidia, you will have much less trouble.
Why would you suggest that? Personal experience? ATI is the fastest in that pricecategory, nVidia is no competition there.

260 GTX ~ 220 €
4870 HD ~ 200 €

Bought ATI-Cards 2 times and always same problems, at every 2nd new game that was released they had to release a "driver hotfix" to get it working correctly, it´s a fact which u can´t deny :)

And i know a lot of people with ATI-Cards with the same problems, so not only personal experience...
Keeping in mind that HD4870 is faster.

And, it's a fact I can deny, since I have ATI card in my main PC, and nVidia on the other. Only problem I've had with the ATI one is related to professional OpenGL usage in 1 application.
You didn't find anything older than stuff mostly from 2007? :D Honestly, if I could google similar stuff from nVidia, but it seems that you are more of a fanboy and that wouldn't help. There are people that are rational, then there are fanboys like yourself.

I could go on and I am rational i guess :)

It´s not fanboying at all, else I wouldn´t have bought ATI cards cause they had a better price/performance ratio at a time. I don´t find any Nvidia hotfixes related to their graphics cards besides some old Vista fixes...
How often does nVidia release WHQL drivers? And how often they do not, but release non-WHQL drivers? People wan't to have hotfixes, you don't have to install one if you don't experience any problems, and they are aimed towards certain products. It is to ease the wait for next full driver release. I can't see nothing wrong in that? You make it out to be a bad thing, helping customers.

Well, your logic isn't rational. You try to make it appear as nVidia would be free of problems, which it isn't - a thing that implies that you are a fanboy - dismissing the flaws in your worshipped nVidia. Nothing implies the contrary. If that's all your evidence, I can't help but to think you are a mere fanboy with falsely logic.
You simply imply things I didn´t say and presume there is no logic.

I didn´t say nvidia is free of problems, but has much less when it comes to drivers and compatibility than ATI.
Experience with both vendors and newsposts on certain websites giving me facts which i can logically assume just to be right.

Furthermore it seems you are the fanboy which can´t admit the simple truth.

:btw the topic maker asked about opinions. That´s mine based on experience and a little knowledge and i can´t see you showing some concrete facts that back up your opinion instead of random phrases...
I can't see where your concrete evidence is? You haven't shown anything. Simply linking hotfixes doesn't prove your point, get it?

I don't have to imply anything, you single handedly only focused on showing ATI to have problems, and not mentioning anything regarding nVidia. I came to this discussion after you - and as so, I only proved you wrong.

Again, this has nothing to with being a "hotfix" for certain situation, which you managed to turn as a "bad thing". Hence, your falsely logic.

For example, most Vista crashes pre-SP1 were nVidia driver related.

nVidia, poor quality? Look, I can do the same!

Network World, Nvidia reports problem with laptop chips
techPowerUp!, NVIDIA Admits to Selling Faulty Mobile GPUs, Could Cost it up to $200 M
NVIDIA Press Release
Allready mentioned the Vista problem, many vendors had them with Vista.
Every vendor has it´s problems ofc, I don´t deny that.

A hotfix is not a bad thing as you always imply I said.

But it´s surely a bad thing to need a hotfix for much newer games to get them to work as they should if you own a card for gaming purposes, maybe false logic if you want so!
<facepalm and bb>
Yeah, surely you did mention the Vista problem :facepalm: Simply saying "besides some old Vista fixes" and leaving at that? Didn't bother to explain how big the problem was? For ATI, you found every hotfix, and conveyed them as "problems". Since, before that, I specifically asked "what problems". I don't have to imply, you answered that yourself.

Again, in this reply you convey that ATI cards have problems in every new game - c'mon, stop being such a douche.

All in all, this conversation has proved that you are indeed run by fanboyism and false logic behind your means.
QuoteAgain, in this reply you convey that ATI cards have problems in every new game

Again you proved your great implying skills and your "debating with yourself" skills.
"A hotfix is not a bad thing as you always imply I said.

But it´s surely a bad thing to need a hotfix for much newer games to get them to work as they should"

Contradicting a bit here?
much != every, or am I again a victim of my false logic?

working it out a bit so even you may understand it:
Quote"A hotfix (itself) is not a bad thing as you always imply I said.

But it´s surely a bad thing to need a hotfix for much newer games to get them to work as they should (if you own an ATI card and you want to play a new bought game)"
I think this falls down to you not writing your argument in proper english. Needing a hotfix for newer games? Only few games have had "hotfix" threatment. Still, you imply as much larger quantity of games "for much newer games". Games being a plural too. As so, you should have restricted that somehow, since unless you do so, it can be understood in only 1 way - meaning multitude of "newer games".

Also, that was not the point here, you have tangled an issue of semantics.
Getting something wrong if you want to get something wrong is not that hard.

I bet you know what i wanted to say, but ok lets bring engrish lessons in here besides the hardware theme, seems to be a good point to finally obtain your willfully satisfaction, you can sleep well now!
Honestly, as already mentioned, you will not benefit of 4 cores in gaming. Unless you know you need 4 cores now, I wouldn't buy one. In four years, there might be games that benefit from 4 cores, but at that time you can get faster processor for a lot less.
geforce 8800

radeon > fail
GeForce 8800(GT, GTS, GTX) are all out-dated and will be phased out. In simple layman terms - do not buy one. They were good, but not anymore when you get a lot more performance for cheaper price.

So, don't be such a jew.
u fail
inlife and inet
You already failed, I only proved your jew ass wrong.
no 1 care about ur words fintard
lol, I don't care, as long as you win against extremist islamists.
verry nice imo
Quadcore is useless, buy e8400

Change 520W Coolermaster M520 Real Power > Enermax Modu82+ 425W
Change 3.5" Samsung F1 500GB HD501LJ/HD502IJ 7200U/m > 3.5" WD SE16 640GB WD6400AAKS 7200U/m 16MB

You forgot CPU-Cooler > Scythe Mugen, Noctua NH-U12P or NH-U9B,

Edit: NEVER invest in the future, buy the best you can get for you money at THIS moment.
E8500 costs about the same. Also, Xigmatek HDT-S1283 is better than Scythe Mugen.

For the rest, I would agree.
Kinda religion talk ^^ . The Xigmatek is great too. I added the Noctua ones.
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