Want to get rid of cheaters CB do smth about it!

Ok before i start of typing a long but still short story about cb here.
i just wanna ask the admins of crossfire to not delete this topic. thx in advance

Ok so here we go.

Cheaters a big problem in the world of ET nowadays, and cb/killer are doing a good job getting rid of most cheaters (and some are just bullshit but ok.)
If u rly hate cheaters that much than why in gods name do u want to give them a second chance?

what i want to say is;

If they got a pbban/pbss or w/e why would u give them a 3month ban?

why not a lifetime ban? get fucking rid of those cheaters once and for all.

Let me take Steampowered games for example.

They have a zero cheating policy. which means if u get bannend for hacking youre done. u get a ban and youre not allow to play anymore. u know how many cheaters got caught in CSS/CS, total smth around 22.. CS/CSS have been online since 1993 or smth?

Clanbase if u wanna make a statement to every single one of the cheaters out there. make pbbans/pbss a lifetime ban. banning some1 for 3months aint gonna help noone.
Before anyone is gonna say cheaters deserve a second chance. they dont. none of em deserve's a second chance. it was THEIR decision to cheat in CB matches, so THEY disobed the rules. so punish them, punish them good!

Cause right now cb, nothing is gonna happen if u make a 3month's ban, they just come back and hack agian, and agian, and agian.
DoneX is the man you have to convince, then he has to convince me, and i have to convince another 3 stubborn chiefs :(

but its a bit too late to permanently ban for ET, if it was still in its 1st year, it would be good so ppl who decide to cheat won't risk getting banned for life, but now there are too much cheaters too stop, and they prolly won't care.
so u agree?
Cheaters dont have to care sugarlips, if they dont care that there not playing ET anymore, good for us good for the community. it is never to late to help a game climb back up to where it used to was
but remember the CVAR Bans? its true some ppl download configs from retards like chmpp who think its funny to put hack cvars in their cfg. The innocent might get permanent bans :(
I know, and thats were u come in or anyother cb admin for that mather. imo u can do 2 things. say u download ure responsabilty (god i hate long words rly), or u can ask for the download url/config.
if there is someone to blame for such mistakes, it is evenbalance, not chmpp
everyone knows evenbalance is doing a shit job with these CVAR kicks, the cvars are usually hiden so when someone gets kicked for it is prolly because he is to stupid to change the cvars from the default bot / downloaded a cfg. but year, last CVAR detection was a fuckup from pansemuckl
and again!
internet still is serious business
yeah... if you get banned in cs u can just buy the game again for 10euros. -_-
m8, after buying CSS 10times because u got a hardware ban 10times, trust youre either not playing CSS anymore, or youre not gonna hack anymore trust me.
and also u can get an undedected cheat for 5 euros :D
If its sooooooo easy to get an undetected bot how come there are only 16 bust within CSS?

VAC is doing a awesome job getting SOURCE game's clean. i rly doubt its that easy to hack within SOURCE games
because they are undetected?

nevertheless i agree to valves policy...and you have to keep in mind that CSS is/was a full price game.
ok lets just to keep it VAC rules, no point in discussion if we both agree on vac

some cheaters deserve a ban,.. no, i mean,.. they WANT a ban, but they dont get it.. even if they are posted more than once with a superclean bust on crossfire: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=4015
couldnt agree more + its never too late.
oee though guy in the house, let me quote myself here for a second.

it was THEIR decision to cheat in CB matches

Oh did i say CLANBASE matches, oh no he didn't, oh yes he did.

I wasnt talking bout hacking in public jaymod shitass 400 ping server

close to a win for the most stupid comment award 2008
too bad i missed it :(

i heard admins can see the nuked comment!
na it wasnt stupid, i was making a comprasion between hacking in like in a pub or or cvar stuffs, to hacking in wars, chosen just decided to nuke it
and to doggydog: you said to cheaters, and you added "it was THEIR decision to cheat in CB matches"
No i didnt?

I put CB matches in their since the start of this journal, but no prob u have been forgivven
i just dont want peoples to get screwd up for dling a fucked up config or just want to see how the aimbots works, so they will know if someone gives headshot it aint aimbot

Just no.
yeah and you are a very smart guy
No pala. thats a bad pala!
at cs they just ban your cd key? not by ip or something else => result you need to buy a new copy of cs
Exactly, but if u buy css 10x times for 10e, youre just giving them valve, so w/e the (ex)hacker does, valve wins

Either the hacker stops hacking, Or the hacker just keeps on buying css and giving valve money. either way its a win win
That´s the whole point i guess, if you had to buy cd-keys for ET it wouldn´t have gone that far with cheating...
QuoteCS/CSS have been online since 1993 or smth


but i agree, need more 10 years ban
I didnt know when they first started i was going to say 1800 but my point is cs/css have been around a long time, and its still active and cheatless sort of
hahahaah cs is cheatless? :DDDDDDddd
Like i said, sort of

And im not talking about pub here. im talking about the higher teams
because Steam > *
cheaters who get banned probably love the amount of attention they get on crossfire. i mean look at a random comment from a guy who just got "busted" and see how many replies he gets. i think a lifetime ban will not work since cheater will just change their ip/guid and come back within a short time
hardware ban > CB ban
I think if someone gets busted for a private cheat the minimum give ban should be 12 months.
It would be a good idea if people actually lost something but when a game is free and someone can get a new guid so easily lifetimes bans really are pointless. If theres no incentive for people to change, they never will :P

I think they work, i doubt meez or razz have cheated since they severed their ban.. the trouble is trying to bust half of them. Too many cheaters but only one killerboy :(
Lifetime bans won't help at all since you only have to change your ETPro-guid and bam, you're back in bussiness.
one of the dumbest texts i have read here
need more pictures :):)
i believe it's 'thank you'
i think m1k3 should buy you one
to mutch sniper's
yes maybe be luck....maybe not luck...never know for sure...
some nerd word i guess..sol is so intalligant...
its not :-)
skillfull :):):

Are u sure dumbass? cause it looks to me as if u have nothing smart to say in anyway.

engrish, its starting to became a new language noh?
if we look at your texts, then i would have to presume the answer would be yes, engrish is becoming a new language.
it took u 3 months to come up with a reply? fuck off rtard
no was just reading through it then, first time i saw it tbh :D
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