med- is the way to be!

What is your oppinion about the med- skill?
Is it just an excuse for people beeing low+ to bump their skill up?

And one more thing I've noticed, people beeing really shit which I know call themself med- even though they are apparantly not even close to beeing med.

What is your oppinion about this phenomena crossfire-geeks?
i got one opinion. I dont care!
med is the new high.
i dont care about med-
i am high
med- might also be used by people who are really (the real one) med/med+ but won't be taken seriously if they say that
How do you mean? I know atleast when I've searched med, some people advertising for med- has pmmed me and completly raged us, ofc fakers mostly from Finland. Thats what finns do mostly actually, just fake and mess around and beeing retarded.
Nah, you just suck.
No, he actually is right. Thomm is the only exception.
Obviously beeing med isn't any achievment, so what are you trying to say?
You know me boi, hård mot dom hårda!
what the fuck is med-
2 hours we played with med- and they were lower than low..
aim is not only skill !

maybe u they can have weak aim but nice brain in game!
So true Gifty!
np for sharing my wisdom.
med- = lowmed

The term is used by finnish med+ who want to win without playing serious. Thank god there's always some stupid europeans who think that means low+ and take the war(and get owned).
finnish people are also europeans :P
Not that we want to be!
Your on to something here Hupo, finnish people can't be called europeans or whites. You are by far the lowest standing people in all europe and you just prove that even more!
most people who search med/med- are low+ imo nowadays everybody overrate his skill :S

for me its always

low- people who are not low
low+ most people
med better then low+
med- littlebit better then med
med- is like low+ aim and med gamesense :P

And if I search low+ wars I get raged by some uberaiming polaks and if I search med wars we win :S
killerboy ur low--- as i always say :)
I think it has a just place in the skill ranks, it means better than low+ but still not quite med. =) Thou the whole thing is so messed up that most of the times you get tougher opponents with low+ or med- than with med/+.
I think the whole skill rating system is overrated and not really applyable.
We beat most teams rating themselves as med easily, but get bashed by med+ teams on a regular basis (and some of them are not even dodgy :O )
have you ever seen anyone post a cless topic claiming he is lower skilled then low+?
everyone is low+ these days, and people who are actually low+ call themselves med- nowadays.

as said before, the system is overrated
I think searching for a med- match means your low+ skilled but wants to play against an opponent close to med and certainly not a med/med+ one
and if you search med- you'll mostly get clean players, if you search low+ you get alot of polaks, other unhits or just skillfaking/hackers.

When you sreach med- you find a low+ of real low+ players or slightly better or finnish retards.
Well when I searched low+ I would both contact opponents searching for low+ and med-.
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