police in egypt

Hi crossfire

i wrote some text about my holiday yesterday already cuz i still am in cairo until saturday and some guy (dont wanna quote) said 'dont steal anything'

now here is the story that happened to us yesterday.
we came back from our 1daytrip to alexandria pritty wasted and tired.
back in our flat we just checked things and one friend noticed that there was something strange with his suitcase.
somebody has had his fingers in there.
everybody started to check things and one girl of us noticed that there were 50 euros missing in here pocket.
another one found 20 euros less in his pocket.
my gf noticed that somebody has had his fingers in here private wallet for creditcards and licences n stuff.

holy shit

we are living in the house of a friend from university.
his whole family is living there (4 flats in that house)

we talked to his parents and they told us that the cleaning woman was in the flat alone for 5 mins.
everything seemed to fit that the cleaning woman (A Pritty poor woman with 2 kids and staying alone) has stolen stuff...
after some shitting around weather it could have been anybody else we called the police and the cleaning woman. both arrived and the fun started.

there are many things i am afraid of but i would never, never want to get problems with the egypt police.
they punshed here, gave here electric shocks for about 6 and a half hours until she finally told them the trouth. i just heared her crying all the time... was horrible although she stole some stuff of us...
now i dont know what s gonna happen... somebody told me that perhaps there will be hands cut off or prison.... and that because of some shitty 70 euros...

for her 70 euros are fucking much money... she could live half a year from that...
well i m feeling pritty bad bout that case but i m sure we ve done the right thing...

greets from egypt anyways...
see ya guys...
Moral dillema and internal conflict here we come!
ur diarys @ cF.
maybe u should have just called the cleaning woman before calling the police
its hard to discribe the situation in a rush...
the oncle of him is a fucking rich man and the cleaning woman is the doughter of a guy that has worked for 25 years for his uncle...
he decided to call the police to clear things up...

perhaps they re still gonna take her back home and clear things up on their own way without police...
i dont know atm
take her as your slave to protect her !
Just ask yourself if she really did it. If you get tortured for 6 hours, maybe you would admit aswell just so they will stop it?

Taking her back sounds nice, but a cleaning woman without hands...doesn't sound THAT useful to me :P

I can't really imagine though that egypt still has laws about cutting someones hand off tbh, anyone proofs on that?
I think most managers in higher positions don't care about the hands of their cleaners tbh.
Yea, but if they should keep on cleaning they won't as good in it as they were with set cg_hands "2"
they will do their "job"
"they punshed here, gave here electric shocks for about 6 and a half hours until she finally told them the trouth"

What makes you think the truth would've ever come out if the police wouldn't have been called?

The woman knew the tough laws, and still did something as stupid as that. She deserved all this treatment.
wow, thats heavy shit dude o;

don't feel guilty about it though, you indeed did the right thing :<
Yeah, you've done the right thing! I hope that makes you feel better when her hands are cut off. I hope you egoistic capitalist swine can say that to her face when you see her begging on the streets of Caïro with her 2 kids and no hands.

And all that for your lousy 70€. I really hope you're happy you capitalist scum.

she can gtfo I would love to piss on here face when she's asking for euro's without hands :D
ye right .. internethero
you fail to spot a really big thing, I'm sorry for you
i am sorry for u actually.
you don't need to. U are whining about 1 person who is losing her hands soon. But you aren't caring about the Hundreds of people WHO ARE GETTING KILLED EVERYDAY BECAUSE OF SOME RETARDED COUNTRY WHO ALLOWS KIDS TO BOMB FUCKIN BUILDINGS AS IF ITS COD4
I hope you aren't talking about iraq. If you are, then you suck as a human being.

If you are talking about Africa, Burma or something then it's more respectable.
Because when he mentioned kids, I figured he was talking about kids in Iraq fighting vs soldiers.

If it was a dutch kid fighting against an invading foreign nation, I'm sure he wouldn't be so quick to get angry about it.

Patriotism is stupid, and so is both sides of the war in the middle east.
It's no more or less respectable for 'hundreds of people' to die in Burma than it is in Iraq, or anywhere for that matter. How can anyone decide which is more acceptable?

Also, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with patriotism, and there are more than two sides to it too.
I disagree. It's easier to respect someone murdered in protest for freedom and freedom of speech for instance, than it is to respect someone murdered fighting the war in Iraq.
But the people fighting in Iraq had no choice in the matter. The American-lead invasion sparked a civil war. Had the invasion not taken place it's very reasonable to assume that the civil war wouldn't have either. As such, the deaths of many Iraqis was avoidable. The deaths of people in Burma are equally manmade. They're also equally tragic and needless - certainly no more respectable though.
don't feed the troll
it were the parents of my friend that decided to call the police...
i didnt go too much in detail now... has been a long night... but in egypt this seems to not be just some lousy shit.... stealing from some rich families is something heavy for them...
Well, it's just their way to keep the poor people from stealing everything. Do you really think prison could stop people who don't know if they will get food this evening from simply taking everything they see?

Many things are more extreme in Africa than in Europe... For example, if you have your arm hanging out of your car's window and are wearing a watch, there might be some guy who will cut off your arm just to get the watch. There are many people who regularly walk through rows of cars waiting infront of a traffic light to see if they get any chance to steal something...

It's just Africa, it's different.

And just btw, Egypt isn't so extreme compared to some other countries there.
i love your posts :)
no sarcasm
haarsh Rhand , harsh :DD
:/ you did the right the thing, although the police kinda overreacted since its only 70€
Read what I wrote 2 or 3 posts above you.
you got a point there
+ you have to see, it's not 'only' 70€, in Africa 70€ are like 50'000 € or more here.
you got a point again
v1ech >:|

image: thanks-for-the-info

Didn't you quit ET like a month ago? and still making clans wtf?
Well.. strange history. Anyway you should have called her before. Give her 10€and tell to police that everything is ok now after she admits.. Dunno :< but it sucks

Hf mate.
i think you all guys dont rly know the habits in egypt...

its hard to discribe but i m gonna write some small diary when i m back...
then perhaps u ll understand...

also now i m pritty tired and cant talk english good enough anymore...
Give her 10€and tell to police that everything is ok now after she admits.. Dunno :< but it sucks

Hey yo bitch you just stole 70euros from us but yo whatever.. Hey wait.. here.. have 10 more!

good one..
The thing is: Maybe she really needs the money because of her kids :f
If someone tries to kill you, but he fails at it, will you give him better weapon and say "it's ok don't worry"?
Its diferent. I bet that she stole the money because she really needs (because of kids?), and like viech said "70 € is too much money" :\
no its fucking NOT the right thing! Or do u wanna tell me u didnt know that they use in Egypt the "Islamic law (Scharia)" ?

bah.. think twice.. rly ... 70 €! I hope u feel good knowing that she will prolly lose her hand and has to feed 2 children coz some asshole husband prolly thought he can divorce her for another woman -.-
Reporting a crime is a good thing in my book, the punishment isn't.
when u know the punishment sucks, would YOU call the police? They don't give a shit about human rights, as u can can read above. I would´ve called the cleaning woman simply.
yeah, but what if you dont know anything about the country or not that much and after you called the police some guy tells you whats gonna happen.
seriously... do u go for vacation without knowing ANYTHING about it? Cmon....
2lazy2 inform yourself about that country?
then better stay @ home.
well thats your opinion..
i could write essays about what everything is going wrong in that country but i m keeping it until i am back in austria...

you ll shit bricks!
are you gonna make a journal about it? if so when are you back in austria ?
i still believe that his parents are good enought to take that policestuff back and find another solution...

also it was not me calling the police... his family decided to to that

dont tell it me that the system here is the worst shit ever seen...
also the methodes of the police to get some words out of here are really horrible...

i just heard her screaming and crying all night long...
was not that easy to be honest so dont judge me
why didnt u just say fuck the money let them stop or something ?
i mean u listened to that for 6 hours apparently untill she did commit
i hope you tried at least to stop that bullshit :e
I am afraid u have no clue about how the system works there :( Even if the family says its "ok" to the police and that u found another solution she will still get punished. :(

Well the only thing i can think of is, that u didnt expect the police to be so harsh coz ur used to the european police. And pls, dont tell me there was no way to stop the family calling the police, there always is. As u see, the police doesnt give a fuck about human rights, and i am sure u will hear her screams during ur nights. I only judge you for not thinking twice.
fuck i am not a fucking hero... i dont have a clue about all that...

we have had some egypt people there and from the point on as they heard that she stole money, they were leading things...
we didnt have to say anything anymore... and fuck we didnt know how things were.... i just heard her yelling all the time....

stop jugding me ffs...

its the egypt way to get things done and his parents simply wanted to clear things up like that... i m not some fucking humanright activist fighting with the egypt police to defend a woman that stole money from us... thats the way they do it and i fucking have to agree with that

i told u ... i couldnt do anything.. i had to spectate that...
i hope they are gonna solve things without the egypt law...

i m off the cafenet now...

bid u all a good night
calm down
Eh. You asked for opinions with sharing ur experience on a Gaming Community, I told u mine. What did u expect, that everyone will applaude? Well sorry, I can't simply!

Ofc it is not right to steal money, that sucks simply.
finally i m back

i didnt want it to share it with some random nerd gamers...
i wanted to share it with those people that finally did some usefull comments here (also u)
back at home? I hope u had still ( :( ) some nice time there in Egypt.
QuoteI am afraid u have no clue about how the system works there :(

Seems like you have no clue either. In Egypt there are both secular and religious courts - it's not like Iran or Saudi Arabia. She's not going to lose a fucking hand.

If you have serious concerns with Middle-Eastern countries and how they're run then protest and boycott their products. To suggest that someone is wrong in fulfilling their obligation in reporting a crime is ridiculous. For all we know the woman could have robbed from others, and if the crime hadn't been reported who is to say that she wouldn't try it again given the fact that she'd have gotten off lightly? Crimes can only be solved if they're reported, and now maybe the next cleaner will think twice before stealing from someone.
where from you know all this shit

ok, right, crimes need to be reported. So they grabbed her, she denied, so she tortured her til she said she was it. I think there is a small chance (although she was alone and stuff and only one possible) that she is innocent. I would confess I never made under torture, so would u, so would nearly everyone.

When I have to read "fuck human rights, I don't care about them" I think those guys can tell this only coz they´re fucking SAFE from being tortured. I bet, when they experierenced torture themselfes, or a familymember/a friend they were first to scream "WE NEED HUMAN RIGHTS"

But still I agree, that what she did was wrong.
Like stealing is the right thing... you simply can't tolerate crime. You are not legimated to punish this lady yourself, so someone else should do it.
I did not say stealing is a right thing! Ofc it was wrong to steal money. But Torture and losing a hand prolly for 70 €?! I want to see if u like it, if u were in same situation. Who knows why she did it? There are always situations in life where u make a mistake. Or can u honestly say that u never made a mistake in ur life? Pls...
Maybe v1ech made a mistake now too! I'd rather say this woman knows the consequences in her country... I actually find this pretty brazen from this cleaning woman. A crime is a crime, wether the punishment is fair or not is not up to the citizen, but to the juridical system. As a matter of fact it's probably even so that reporting a crime is an obligation! The consequences are pretty inappropriate for the crime though.
It was not right from that woman, again. But still .. did u ever hear of "Human rights" ?

- No torturing

- right to keep ur body intact

Human rights aren't there, so let them cut of here hands so she will think before she does it a second time... or wait without hands she cant
Right. If u didnt do anything but u would be tortured, u wouldnt confess anything, i guess, coz ur a fucking INTERNETHERO
Offcourse I'm a internet hero, like you being such a smartwhore here.

as I said, you are whining about a wife who did something wrong and gets her punishment.


who said i dont care? It gets me mad whenever I read about things going wrong in this world. Let there be a woman getting tortured and cutted a hand off for 70 € (which, again, isnt right) or a child raped (which is ofc also not right) or or or or or or....

Punishment ok, but there are general laws to be obeyed (>>>>>HUMAN RIGHTS<<<<<) Jail was ok, or not?
Jail is so ok yeah, getting assfucked by someone who isn't caring about his anymore since he got 3 times livelong.

The woman knew that if she'd get busted her hand would be gone, its the same that we know that if we drive to red the chance on a accident is higher then driving true green

If I steal something I know that when I get busted I need to go in Jail.

No mercy for her, right thing is done
ok.. i give up. u have ur opinion, i have mine
I do, but are human rights compatible with the Islam?
I dont think u can generalize here. The Scharia is kinda OLD and the hardcore Islams are kinda stuck still @ middleages. But those Islams who are encouraged enough to look into the future and not into the past, disagree with the Scharia as well.
Islam originally means 'peace' if you translate it from arabic
as I've read below, it's the law that should be up to date in such countries
The irony being that it's not peaceful, and nor is any abrahamic religion. They're inherently intolerant and violent.
There are mistakes, and there are things who aren't mistake, they are plain stupidity. Who on earth would steal 70€ if you know exactly (and I am a 100% sure that woman knew what could happen) that your hands could get cut off as punishment for stealing. What makes even more stupid is, that she was employed by rather rich people.

Don't confuse mistakes which happen to all of us with real stupid stuff. If you do something you have to be aware of the consequences and be ready to bear them.
I totally agree. If someone commits a crime while being very well aware of that it is a crime, that person should be punished very gravely.
70euros? cause that matters?
where do we draw the line then?
would it be ok to steal 10k from a rich man then?

w/e i hope they cut off her ears, nose and tongue too
yup, i hope ur girlfriend cuts off ur dick when u cheat on her
i would never cheat on my girlfriend so that wont happen..
the only thing i could think of is that they could cut off my legs cause i break speed limits every now and then
but then.. i have cruise control so
thats not gonna stop me either
Never say never. That´s my experience. So u´re Mister Perfect who never made a mistake? Ok, I worship u now.
ive made mistakes..
my answer to everything.. dont get caught
Do you regularly cheat on your bf/gf or why are you calling that example over and over again?
No but thats a language a GUY understands!
Do your friends regularly cheat on their girlfriends?
No, but thats a language a GUY understands!
Nice generalizing.
no why? I bet no guy would ever cheat on his gf again, if there was a right to cut his dick off?
So what would be so bad about that law then? The whole democratical system is one big joke.
It would be bad, because there is a thingy called "Human rights"
I don't give a shit about human rights. There are systems that would probably work way better than democracy with all its law bullshit.

I'm off to bed now.
yes sure, thats why we left middleages behind and went to democracy, because the lawsystem of the middleages worked so good. Anyway, if thats ur honest opinion, then good night.
Think about those also who are accused innocently.
ye, cuz he wouldnt need a gf no more :)
LOL fucking deserves it
if you cant keep your hands of someone else their stuff then the gov. will help you with that!

+10 QDOS for the cops in egypt

i just feel bad for her boyfriend/husband.. no more handjobs LOL
and if shes alone.. no more b8ing.. well her own fault
Age: 19 ( 6 October 1988 )

grow up, internethero.
50 dollars on that you would leave your girlfriend/wife if she couldnt give you a handjob anymore
No i would not leave my husband, if he couldn't rub my clit anymore or w/e .. marriage has not necessarily something to do with sex, especially not when there are children.

God, sometimes I have feeling when i read the stuff here i am an alien -.-
she deserved it v1ech :)

you're a good boy!
thats what i wanted to say

she deserved it
ye cool we could take the islamic law to our countries too... when everyone deserves that ... mhh.. lemme see.... getting stoned because u cheat on ur girlfriend/wife? or is it enough if u get ur dick cutten off? Hm....
yea let us see ... mhh let the perverse guys rape little girls without getting punishment because they were drunk oh noes it can happen to everybody :<

Quoteye cool we could take the islamic law to our countries too... when everyone deserves that

what i want to say is that i would agree because then we would have less crime
and if you know that there are bad consequences then you will think twice about your acting
Totally agreed. Our lawsystem is more of a joke tbh...
Oh, ok, this goes into the discussion "Death-Penalty yes/no".

If u read some stuff about it, u´ll find out that crime rate is even higher in regions where the law is too harsh.
Death-Penalty: Yes
im just 17 years old maybe im talking shit because i dont have experience but thats my view
U´ll see that in regions (America e.g) deathpenalty is used, the crime rate is higher then in regions where deathpenalty is forbidden. There are like 1293 survey's about it. np, i was 17 once too.
of course im against the deathpenalty if the police or someone else cant prove shit
but its clear that people deserve to die if they killed another one
Play God, sure
im not talking about the police system in Egypt but about v1ech calling them
Yes you sat and listened to 6 hours of electric schocks and crying. It also took her 6 hours of torture to confess to stealing a few euros. Fucking trolls.
You do realise they might cut her hand(s) for that ?
in iran there was the thing that if a man cheated on woman: the dig him to waist into ground but women were a bit unlucky they were digged in all body exept head and then ppl started throwing rocks so if they could get out of the ground they were not guilty if not they got their punishment also there was some punishment dunno for what but: they operated eye out witout narcosis and that was 2003 : / and lots of this kind of stuff that is unbelievable
Don't compare it to our system, it's another 'world'.
lol :DDD
Thats muslims for you.
atleast you're with a nice chick there and you can bang her all the time , care about thiefs fuck em' , deserved.

i imagine how many "customers" she already robbed
She stole it, she has punishment now. Ok I agree that 70 euros is kinda nothing and i think there wouldn't be such a punishment for only 70 euros, but it seems like police in Egypt have other rules.

Soz for engrish
You totally did the right thing.

Everyone saying that you should think about the consequences, her losing her future et cetera: it should be common knowledge for her to know the punishment for stealing. It's her own fault and the punishment should be given anyway. I would have probably murdered her myself so she came off lightly.

Moralfags need to shut up, really.
I may talk when I want to, kk thx bb
i think murder is a bit far for theft but i'd prefer to be killed than have my hands cut off.
I think so as well!
life without wanking :[
My thoughts exactly.
Not seeing the problem - poor or not she broke the law and it's likely she knew the consequences of being caught and it's a risk she was willing to take. You did your duty by reporting the crime, there's nothing more to it. If you're unhappy with the Egyptian legal system then boycott the country. I don't see any moral dilemma when it's obvious you did the right thing.
Yeh, cause boycotting is so hard.
I'm sure you got my point - raise awareness and protest if you feel so strongly about something.

And if you really, really feel strong about something and have to point out all the injustice in the world and if you feel the need to convince people how just you are, then go over there and cut off your own hands as a sign of protest. Youtube it aswell!
Don't stop buying Egyptian patatoes, eventhough you like them!

edit: This made me aware of a very interesting question:

How do you cut off your second hand?
basically you didnt do the wrong thing. its not your fault their justice system is so fucked up. altho i wouldnt include any authority before trying to clear it up with everyone who i suspected to be involved and use the police more like a threat.
I personally wouldnt want someones hands cut off for stealing money off of me, be it the law in the country or not.

probably wouldnt have called the police in the first place, as that alone even if innocent is risky in a country like Egypt.
i doubt that would help. a foreigner sticking his nose in their system might even make things worse.
if she managed to get away with it, she would have tried it again for sure :/ sooner or later she would have been caught anyway i suppose.

Maybe the next guy who'd bust her would not be so kind to call the police and get the things done on his own. You never know.
Fuck that don't trust the police stop snitching

dude...you fucking live in a fucking movie
stuff like this does not happen anymore =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i can tell u why police cared a lot bout ur probs:
tourists bring about 75% of the money egypt earns
when i was there in ~2001 it was right after the terrorism attack they introduced the "tourist police"...every 10m a policeman had a look at the tourists

in my eyes egypt needs the tourists...bad stories bout egypt -> less tourists!

and its such a wonderful country!!!
WSK on 08/08/08, 06:52:18
"Just ask yourself if she really did it. If you get tortured for 6 hours, maybe you would admit aswell just so they will stop it?"

My first thought as well.
Though I guess you have checked it quite well, you can't be certain enough.

Harsh way of punishing, but that's how it is.
Quotehad his fingers in here private

Quoteafter some shitting around

i'm sorry could you plz stop making fucking diaries or whatever, you sick fuck
this is not only a gaming community
there are people that prefer discussing some more important stuff than some youtube crap
dont read it and place ur spam in some threads that are fine for u
welcome 2 ze reallife mothafoka!
I'm this woman, and I don't have one hand, retarded pollice caller ashole ;o
If she didn't touch your things she wouldn't have to go true al of it! ARBEID MACHT FREI!
She's not going to lose her hand(s). Egypt isn't Saudi Arabia.
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