
Gimme adventures similar in quality to the following (which I've already played and finished):

The Longest Journey
The Longest Joureny: Dreamfall
Grim Fandango
Sam & Max
(plz don't come with monkey island :S)

Also platformers, like:

Spyro (all of them)
Ratchet and Clank (all of them)
Crash Bandicoot (the platformer ones)

And maybe some stealth-games, like:

Metal Gear Solid (all of them)
Splinter Cell (all of them)

thx <3333
Monkey Island is pretty good.
Maniac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
and the Indiana Jones games
Broken sword

Legend of Zelda series
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
that's an rpg (already finished it btw, but not into rpg's now)
its not an rpg its an action adventure
i fucking finished all 3d zelda there not rpgs just shut up. u cant even get level up
kingdom hearts
kingdom hearts 2

damn.. theres a scratch on my kh2 cd :( cant load one world so its all fucked up..
hmpf, try drakes fortune for the ps3
have it, finished it ^^
It's a really good game in my opinion:D
Banjo Kazooie & Banjo Tooie.
got kazooie, finished it :P
still need to get tooie, I'll see if I can buy it somewhere this week :P
They're good games, the only thing is that it's basically Donkey Kong with other characters ;d
Monkey Island

Full Throttle
Little big adventure 1 and 2?
Broken sword 1 & 2 (and 3?) The newest sam and maxes?
morowind :D
Broken Sword
Monkey Island
Full Throttle
Geheimakte Tunguska, don't know the English name though.
Ankh 1-3
Secret Files: Tunguska ;d
ask perfo
fallout 1 & 2

jagged alliance series
good games and long games
- Runaway 1 & 2 (recommended with no doubt, really good and fun to play)
- Simon the Sorcerer 4
- Myst series

Started to play Sunrise, seems to be a bit longsome but just played about 1 hour..
dreamfall is the best imo! finished it in 1 streak, took me 16,5 hours :D:D yes, back then i had no life!
loved the storyline!
u didnt actually play it without playing the prequel "The Longest Journey" did you? If you did, you absolutely missed the real charm of the game, the nostalgic feeling it calls up ^^

Go play The Longest Journey and then Dreamfall again, you'll understand what I mean ;)
Zelda:"Ob...Smting" of Time.
Indiana Jones 1-99
Day of the tentacle

Space quest, King's quest and ofc Larry I xD
Roger Wilco for president!
I found Larry boring when I played it at the age of 10 :P must have been Larry V. Never played the EGA versions :D
Man you should play them. Larry I was the first adventure kind of game I played. Shitty graphics, half pornographic contents and all in english :X

Funnies was how you interact there, you could only type like "use slotmachine" or "buy drink", no click and point (I didn't even have a mouse back then xD
Fate Of Atlantis is the best adventure ever!
what about psychonauts? lots of weird humor plus jump 'n run with special abilities.
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