inserting my new HD

Hai guys,
I was inserting my new harddisk (I already have 1 in my pc) but as I was figuring this out I found this problem:

There is no free power supply cable to attach to my Sata Power Cable on my harddisk.
(see picture)
image: image004
there are other free power cables but they are the form of a square so they dont fit.

I wonder if it is strange that there is no free cable because my pc only has: 1 hd , 1 dvd drive, 1 cd burner.

So basicly my question is how can I gief my new harddisk power ?

thnx HellHammer and Kiewan

I dunno.
hf 2 weeks no cb matches
failed? where?

i said the truth. so befor you make wnb comments like "fail" and "failed" think in what way i failed.

in this situation your the one acting retarded
as u could read, he already has 1 hdd in his pc what means he can play with his old guid.
we both know it but still u was trying to be funny and u failed.
Quoteinserting my new HD

i didnt read everything just the title wich means that he will change his HD.. that means 2 weeks no CB ..

again wnb "failed" word i see from you. That makes you retarded in my eyes so dont reply anymore.
you're so smart by reading titles only. hf with ur useless comments.
Buy new PC
Hi2u trick 100/100 xD
trying to get 95 was a hoax :S
There is an adapter...(i have a samsung 400GB sata and it was in the package)
image: sata-power
I have this type of cable but there's no free cable from my power supply to connect to.
Oh...i missundertood...;) but i see your problem is resolved^^
had the same when i installed second HD. just go to any computer/hardware store and buy a power supply cable extension (costs like 2 euros max)

something like this, only with 1 more extra outlet instead of 2 (although this can do the trick too i think)

image: Power_Extension_Cable_011a_320

edit: what kiewan said
only when the psu isnt connected with wire but a connector with 2 4pin thingies on it tho :)

Or he can use what this piece of shit below me says
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