need help for formatation @ pc

hello cf community.
i tried to formate (= formatieren? :D) my computer. now i have to activate Windows via internet. but if i click "activate" there comes "überprüfen der konnektivität" ( = checking the connection) and it doesnt find a connection. what can i do now?

thx for help me :)
do it over the phone.
they said me to call them on another day :S
lie . they don't say anything there .... it's automatic helpline.
lol i phoned there
maybe in germany but here when I phoned up automatic voice asked me to punch some numbers and gave some numbers back,I wasn't talking to anyone at all :<

fix your connection :)
ye first i gave them some numbers. than i had to wait for a "free service man" and than a voice said me to call them at another day :S
maybe they're not working on saturdays ^_^
That's the problem, it's a computer who gives you the numbers. No real person is involved.
... not.
if you do enter the code and it can not be verified, you will be connected to a real person. here in germany it's quite fun to call them, because the callcenter is somewhere abroad and the people there have strange accents. ^_~
Well, then just make sure you have a legal Windows version. Then you won't have any problems.
it's actually #care if you have a legal copy or not... they will activate it anyway.
and btw the code cannot be verified if you reinstalled windows more than x times (dunno the actual number), has nothing to do with legal or not.
No, you first have to say if you installed it more than once. Just push "no" and no problem.
hm, it's not like this here - you just have to enter the code and if it cannot be verified the "real" person will ask on how many computers you installed it... just say "1" and win. alternative: say it's a vista business/ultimate downgrade ^_^
Here you have to fill it in, if it's correct it will say some numbers you have to fill in and there you go. If it cannot be verified, it will ask you if you installed it on more than one computer. If you say yes, you're screwed and have to wait 4 months before you can use it again. Don't know if calling the helpline helps afterwards, didn't try that. Don't know what happens if you say no, prolly they'll just give you a new code.
lol, that's quite funny. I guess here it's just like this to frighten the people when the computer says "the code cannot be verified, you will be connected to a service person" - to make them buy a new key instead of talking to a microsoft person. ^_^
you can do it over the phone :D
even i did it twice ^_^
rly nice service they have :D
i cant do it via phone cuz its saturday? they said me to call on another day
so wait till another day? :d
wait till sunday?;d
You have just...

image: 419530145

...why don´t you get an illegal copy? It is easier.
there's plenty of workarounds for this on the interwebz...

skip the online way

do it over the phone, but don't actually call them... just search for the code (like you got it by actually phoning)

enter code

i dont know
i know that u know nothing
only freaks buy windows
i knew that you were german after reading "formatation" xd
lal :D whats the right worD? =0
formatting i think

rofl what's the problem with calling microsoft product activation? it's quite fun ^_^
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