New Computermachine
10 Aug 2008, 13:19
I know the ATI HD4870 is showing better preformence in reviews, but they cant make descent drivers. Also that card produce shitloads of heat and are power consuming. Compare to nvidia cards (who also have the PhysX, which ATI dont have :p)
Was thinking of the new E8600, as i read you could easily overclock it too 6.7MHz with a extra fan. We'll see ;) (E8500 can only be OC to 4.7MHz).
take another cpu cooler
unless you overclock take pc6400 RAM
maybe a HD for data
and take a E8400
EDIT: what a fucking waste a raptor 300GB, take a 76/150GB one and a 1TB data
And its not raptor, its velociraptor :p
stupid choices, but hey its your money
also it's 2008 not 2003, you need more than 300gig :x
the raptors are mainly used for the OS, then you have a big data dump drive
Take another harddrive/External harddrive :)
8800GTS would easy outperform that gfx.
Maybe read some reviews :)
And the nvidia cards have more heatroom for overclocking and are cheap 170 euros)
8series ftw.
9 series just got walked over about 2 months after they came into retail by the 10 series... tbh the 260 doesnt look like its priced too badly
Uhm well read this then:
And i play with 1280x1024 so no need to buy a 260 or 280 card cos the benefit you gain from those cards lies in a higher resolution ;)