rtcw pls :)

hey guys one year ago or sth i wrote a journal with the same topic as i do now. and it was succesful :> but dumb as i am i lost the result -.-

i asked for a rtcw key to play it online again for some hours... just what i want to do now again :<

so if anyone of you wants to share his key via pm with me i rly whould be thankful :)
i wont play any officials or sth just want to pub a few times i guess :< so dont worry.
if you dont believe me.. just dont give me your key. no problem

thx so far :)
no money, no key
loly? explain
I'd give you my steam account if only it wasn't filled with tons of other games, sorry ^^
Couldn't you just use the rtcwkey file? :E
Don't have it installed.
In case you didn't get it, I bought RTCW via Steam thus it doesn't even work with an rtcwkey file.
Even so I assumed it would still have rtcwkey hidden away.... it has to be stored somewhere so the engine can read it right?
Most likely yeah, but it's in another extension only for Steam I think.
Just buy it, it's like £4
everyone is wanting a key at the moment, so i doubt you will get one
but i got one last year :( shitty thing i lost it :<
yeah but at the moment all the cheapskates are asking for a key... so there arent many around

should have backed it up
1 1/2 years already :<

my oldest inbox pm is "30 May 07, 12:12" :'<<<
Haillihallo sChmoe!!1
hi hurensohn :< rtcw key?
I don't have one. And even if I wouldn't share it :P
Do you want my Sims key instead?
SimsPRO mod, yes. Protected by Punkbuster!
rosebud still working?
It's just Punkbuster, ofc cheats work...
Is it hard understanding I’m incomplete A love that’s so demanding I get weak. I'm not afraid to keep on living i'm not afraid to walk this world alone
gtfo and buy one tight bastard...

I'm sick of seeing people begging for keys when a cup comes up...Seriously, this game deserves to be bought and not fucking leeched..
I'm annoyed...
buy it for me, babe!
nah, guess I have to order it at some dubious ebay seller
I saw an offer earlier on ebay uk for about 10 euros...with paypal...just let me know, we can get the key before he sends ofc.......

Or there is another option, my m8 in leeds dont play anymore, I'll sms him tomorrow...
Games at ebay usually don't contain valid keys.
O rtcw key N 2 diablo II keys
swap you a diablo key for smth?
IDK what do you want.
diablo II key?

idk if i want my cod2 anymore

or c&c3 key
gtfo with your free server shite
dude its not like id earns anything on selling this game anymore so it doesnt matter
not the point, ID gave us a game that set up the best part of this community. Theres no way I can accept fucking lame cracked servers for the enjoyment of fools who are too lazy to pay even the price of 2 packs of cigarettes for it. By paying for rtcw, u are at least giving back at least a little respect to the developers of et...simple....and if more people get the legal version, then theres more chance we can have more pub servers/wars/cups
go xed0s gooooooo :D
Exactly my point of view. Bought it some days ago (1 ?) via steam, and I love it!
n1 m8....:) thats the spirit!
Need some good servers though, only american 100+ ping ones :(
rtg in ger is the best, seems that jolt is down atm...otherwise its a few shrub servers which is a bit like jaymod in et....can be fun though till we get more osp servers up. I'm hoping to get one up this week....if I can convince cutty our root provider to instal it :)
Hope you get it :)
Erf, just figured out that i got 300+ ping on rtg server, although i'm from switzerland :<
Well u know that et had diffrent developers? Anyways cracked servers would just fill the game up with cheaters so i agree abit. But its better than nothing since sometimes there are no players at any server. And most of the money from buying rtcw goes to suxxor steam... And more wars cups etc wont happen, the game is dead and wont get more players just old ppl who comes back plays one cup and then leaves again.
think u didn't really mean to reply to yourself:p....and who the fuck are u anyway to be calling me random? Lolled.
You are kinda random.
u bought the game 3 times? o.O

well u just need one key right? ^^
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