Georgia Russia

The Russian - Georgian war...

For everyone who has been living under a rock the past three days:

image: picturecp3

To be honost I think Russia has really gone too far now. They attack Georgia as an indepented democratic nation. I'm afraid it's already too late for Georgia. But what I'm more afraid of, is the UN interfering with this conflict.

Georgia was nearly part of the EU, but they still needed to be an organised country, which isn't their current state with this war. Still, they are allied with America (because of being a sovereign country), and nearly allied to the EU. That's why I think both these nations will choose Georgia's side, rather than Russia's side. Although I clearly agree with that alliance, it makes me afraid that this whole situation can escalate a possible WWIII, certanly with the russian-chinese agreement to combine forces in the development of a superior nuclear program, being developed in China.

Although I doubt that these world-leaders would be so ignorant and blatantly retarded to initiate a WWIII, we've seen them do similar stupid things before.

/care mode

tbh it would be great if we could request this match @ GTV and place bets !
man i want you banned
stfu stupid !
georgia attacked south ossetia and killed russian people. Dont you think its normal that russia defends its own people?

South ossetia sees itself as an idependant nation
Fact is that the region still falls under Georgian territory, making it obvious that Russia shouldn't be there in the first place. If Ossetia wants to be indepentand, let them fight it out theirselves (they didn't even request Russian military support).

Also Russia is attacking lots of other non-military, civilian targets, resulting in the country being weak as a democracy, because of the loss of independant facilities (yap, there you have your weak point in democracy ^^). If they would only be there to "defend" Ossetia then they would have left the rest of Georgia alone, but no, they keep progressing further into Ossetia.

And another thing, even if Russia would be right, it wouldn't change the fact that they have the entire UN against them now, which could still escalate into a conflict, which is what I'm really afraid of.
idk if its really part of georgia or not. wikipedia says the following: South Ossetia (Ossetic:;, Yuzhnaya Osetiya) is a region in the South Caucasus, formerly the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast within the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. A part of it has been de facto independent from Georgia since it declared independence as the Republic of South Ossetia early in the 1990s during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

but yes im really afraid of an escalation.

read this

"A particularly obvious example involves the Olympics, which Titor claimed "As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004."[16] The uneventful staging of the 2006 Winter Olympics refutes this claim; however, there are arguments as to whether or not Titor was referring exclusively to the Summer Olympics."
Hehe, I know the Titor guy, but it's also known that it was one big hoax. He based many of his stories on the Mayan calender though, defining 2012 as the date where apocalypse would happen, where we would enter a new era. By the way, if you watch the movie "Zeitgeist", you can see that this new era is just a new starformation (we leave waterman and enter smth new, dno the name).
yes i saw zeitgeist, quite interesting but 50-75 % bullshit
True, but that shit about the mayan calendar is just fact. It's just basic starmapping :P
can't be 75% bullshit, because at least 33.3% are true.
Russia is basing itself on the Kosovo history that happened. No territory is safe after what happened there.
And even Russia haven't recognized it's independence - no country has. Link the whole text that is necessary to get the whole picture.

"The independence has not been diplomatically recognized by any member of the United Nations – which continues to regard South Ossetia as part of Georgia." Russia is part of UN.
"I know not with what weapons WWIII will be fought, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones."
It's a great quote I think.
wasnt it einstein who said this?
Yeah, though I like his relativity quote better.
just watched a movie about e=mc² and it was hella interesting
Are you expecting crossfire users to go nuts and discuss politics with you or what? There is no end to that discussion. Every nation has something to gain by manipulating other nations. This isn't the right place to discuss these, just drop it.
While it's true that you're unlikely to get an intelligent discussion regarding politics here, it is a community afterall.
A recession is coming to America, for them going into war at this time would be perfect (war means work).

Its easy to join the side of the USA if you read CNN, though you might want to read some different sources. Russia is doing what the USA has done in the recent past as well.
America is on the verge of a recession precisely because it is at war. Their next federal budget will have a deficit of half a trillion dollars.
First time I completely agree with you.
It's because they privatized the production of any type of weapon, making it more expensive for the government to buy them once they're finished.

Don't know exactly how to explain in English but I saw this example in my economics course last year.
It's not that important tbh. The positive economy effect stays almost the same.
The truth in that depends on your political persuasion :O)
shhhhhhhht you are destroying the world of the people who watched "zeitgeist"
there wont be any war, russia is just too powerful
Russia would lose to NATO, EU forces, or those combined in a traditional warfare(excluding nuclear warfare). Not even Russia would be so stupid to use nukes due some conflict that doesn't threaten them in a sufficient way. That would only mean more nukes in the air.
Like they wouldnt be covered by China.
I'm not joining any sides, and I don't look my news up on CNN (just put a few links here, because not everyone in here can read ^^). I'm just expressing my fear of further escalations between the higher powers :<
russia is leading with 2000 - 0
georgia is stupid to do something like that....thay have something like 85 armoured vehicles and some planes...and russia has 1000 times more,so georgia tryes now to get help from EU and U.S.A....but if E.U. does something there will be a cold winter incoming :D
i didnt said they are helping them,i said they asked for help
gtfo with wikipedia,news ftw
USA and EU wont be as stupid as to go to war against Russia. Its a special Pact they made. Russia stays out of USA and EU backyard and we do the same at their place. I dont think we'll go further then trying to make a cease-fire between the 2.
Both Russia and America are known not to be too afraid of bending the rules in their advantage...
Yes, but they have an informal pact of not mending in with each other military business. They're not as stupid as to medle with each other's forces.
History proves different I'm afraid... :<
That's so wrong I don't know where to begin...
I hope the USA gets involved so my kids will have a new video game when they grow up:D
i hope you will never have kids, disgusting fuck.
I want to bet, georgie is doing a bigger attack soon, Rusland can't handle that and they will use a atombomb problem solved
While you write this as a sort of joke, I wouldn't be surprised if something in this trend would actually happen :S
didn't write it as a joke, i'm being bloody serious right here
Georgia sent 2000 troops to help USA in iraq, USA repays the favor by saying "Yeah, we feel sorry for you."

No one will do anything, russia will occupy georgia and the baltic states, world war 3, etc

image: r94888486

image: 213r78o
lol @ bush pic...
They didn't send troops to help the US, they sent them because they thought it'd help their chances of joining NATO.
Isn't that always the case...?
Ok maybe you're right there -.-'
5€ on russia
Stop bitching, there's worst.

"(00:35:56) &#8212;&#8250; mode: (Q) sets mode (+o rY`shoes)"
3v3 world war config v3.0 so no mines, no riffles and no atomic bombs.
Nobody gives a shit about Georgia or South Ossetia. It might be sad for the people involved, but it's a good thing that Russia is re-asserting power and influence. You can't just have the US and its Jewish lobby carving up the worldmap in whichever way they please. That'll teach the Americans to fuck around in Russia's backyard.

Also, there is no way there'll be an escalation.
I totally agree.
If by nobody you really mean nobody, why are everyone so anxious to get involved? In diplomatic way, of course.

Also, what is so good about Russia showing similar mentality that it showed during it's Soviet era? After all, Georgia is a sovereign country, and invading sovereign country isn't really something anyone would wish them to do except the 70 000 or so "Russians" in South Ossetia.

Still, as it is unclear how the events exactly went, it's impossible to get a clear picture of the situation.
Like America hasnt showed that kind of aggresion or even worse.
Afaik, and as the news has reported - Georgia started with the attack on Ossesia while injuring Russian citizens.
Mixed views, that is the view you get from Russian media. And as always, you should keep in mind what the aims are for both parties involved. Media criticism.

Also, you can't justify your means just based on what someone else has done. So essentially you accepting Iraq and Georgia invasions? Since, if you compare them, Russia would be the invader.
Also, the situation has escalated, Russia has taken Gori, started air-raids outside the original conflict zone. Trust a Russki?
never trust anyone in war.
people who are writing stuff like "huahehiuahieuheui russia is beating georgia 4-0" or "OKAY GUYS
3v3 world war config so no mines, no riffles and no atomic bombs. " or "tbh it would be great if we could request this match @ GTV and place bets ! "

are retards.

i hope your army sends you to the next war and you lose a leg, an arm or smth. I wonder whether you guys will find then war as funny as you find it now

but russia will win !
win what, the bullying small countries contest? fucking retard.
hi ossete :)
fucking russians...thats all
Georgia and Russia are just testing sw_battery.

Now seriously, I don't think this will escalate into a new world war or so.
Maybe not this, but taking the combination of all Russian provocations in the past years in concideration, I'd say I can only fear the worst (although I have to admit I'm a bit of a doom-thinker).
For some reason I tend not to have the feeling Russia will want to wage it into a war with the rest of the world.

But then again, I don't really know anything about politics and stuff like that, so I don't know what I'm doing here
Neither do I, but I still think it's important to discuss these things with people from other nations, to get a more general image on the situation, rather than the image your country is giving you.
Russia can come to Finland like they once did! We have best aimers/shooters in the world (watch olympics Peking 2008)

Which is nice :)
the Russians must workup his Army or they never happy
image: picard-no-facepalm
your english is truly a shame
and you want to be a swabian...
im afraid im gonna have to put on my careface
un or nato should have stopped this days ago

and i find the whole thing about south ossetia trying to become independent a bit stupid, i know they want their own country and stuff but if every bigger group in a country would do the same thing there would be 50% more countries
That'll teach them for dealing in that way with Kosovo, now every group has something to base itself on.
Only a real moron would take this discussion to Crossfire. And I don't really care about the opinion of morons.
Nice saying that to your community, what a great admin you are, posting this random flame in a journal. I thought you guys needed to have a "professional distance" towards your users? Posting this is completely non-related to the topic, and even provocates me in a personal way, which is even against the crossfire rules. So, according to the Crossfire policy, you should now remove your own comment and give yourself 15 warning points :)
What's the problem with what he said? The majority of the comments in this journal are ridiculous and it's pretty obvious that the posters of them have no clue what they're talking about (your included). Just because we're admins it doesn't mean we can't behave as normal users if we're within the rules.

Stop crying admin abuse at every half an oppurtunity you see.
delet from my profiel 5points pl9x ;(( i will never spam more!
His comment was a personal attack to me dude, read it again...
Don't worry, this is all part of the admin culture at crossfire. They get really happy when they get the chance to insult someone when they know there's a little chance they'll be backed up.
Only, I didn't think it was gonna be Hellgoat.

Then again, I completely agree. This topic is rubbish and doesn't belong here.
Only a moron would see this as such. It's also a chance to talk about different views that people have, and outright wrong assumptions. Not everyone sees the world in a same manner, or take in consideration all the things that are involved.

By doing such reply, you only show that you personally are incapable of having a decent discussion here.

Atleast there's some real conversation in this journal
None of this would have happened if Stalin was around
Wasn't it Stalin in the first place that added South Ossetia to Georgia?
He added South Ossetia to Georgia and Russia had Northern Ossetia Republic.

Stalin would know how to deal with this mess they're in right now :{
I don't see a problem with a topic like this here, if your goal is to get peoples opinions, what better way ?

However don't expect a mass of intelligent answers as the average age of the community is probably 15 with the mental age of 10.

But you will get some good answers.

I for one, don't know enough about the situation to make any sort of comment about it. So i wont.
What I've read on news sites says that South Ossetia has been been effectively independant since the break up of the USSR, thats around 17-18 years now, what right does Georgia have to go in when the population of South Ossetia have had a national poll passed in favour of re-alligning with North Ossetia. A good 70 thousand have requested Russian passports.

Don't know if its accurate but I read on that Russia was acting as a peace maker and that Georgia used a peace meeting between the two sides to launch a surprise attack.

Attacking under a flag of peace is almost as low as you can get.
I'm back in the USSR (guitar....................) You don't know how lucky you are boy...baack in the USSR
Beatles, baby!
Just wondering why nobody complained about the same in Afghanistan.
Are you really talking about the invasion of the country harbouring the terrorists that killed over a thousand americans and other ppl on 9/11?

Cause I really thought It'd be self evident


Ah nvm pela just explained the situation and the only thing is ofc double standards

its ok if US or UK ofc thats us! but if someone else does it its bad!
The situation is a bit more complicated than that. Back in the Soviet times, South-Ossethia was an autonomous part of the Soviet Georgian Republic. And North-Ossethia was part of the Soviet Russian Republic. When Georgia gained its independence in 1991, South-Ossethia did not want to break up from the Soviet Union, the same thing was with Abkhasia. But when the SU collapsed, both of those break-away provinces declared independence, although no country in the world (not even Russia) acknowledged it. So Georgia tried to take back those territories with force in the year 1991, but failed and made a treaties. With South-Ossethia the treaty was signed in 1992 between Russia, Georgia, South-Ossethia and North-Ossethia. They were supposed to have 3 battalions in that region (1 Russian, 1 Georgian and 1 Ossethian battalion) and make mixed patroles and peace keeping in that region. But they failed cause nobody liked no-one and things got a bit out of hands so instead, everyone controlled a piece of that territory. Since that time, South-Ossethia has an independent economy which is mostly based on smuggling stuff and is really weak (unlike Abkhasian economy). When Shakasvili (don't know how to spell correctly) opposed toll booths on the border of rest of Georgia and South-Ossethia, Ossethian economy went even more down, because of the decrease of smuggling possibilities. All this time, South-Ossethia has survived only thanks to the dotations by the Russian government. It is not known, how large they are, but I do know that it is a considrable amount of money. But all this time, South-Ossethia has bombed Georgian territory from time to time, and Russian planes and helicopters invade Georgian airspace very often. Last week, the things went out of hands when South-Ossethia kept bombing nearby Georgian villages and they really hadn't any other way to defend themselves. Somethings similar between Israel and Hezbollah. Russians on the otherhand gave a Russian citizenship to every Ossethian who wanted it. With the citizenship, they also got pension. Plus Russia was supplying Ossethian forces with manpower and weaponry.

So this situation is really complicated but blaming Georgia is wrong. Russians have their interests in that region, similar events took place in Tsetchen.
Ah k thx, its always more complicated than it seems isn't it :D

Looking at it it seems the only way for a peacefull outcome is the autonomy of SO, I don't think Russia will simply pull out of SO to allow the Georgians back in, and if SO is as unstable and poor as you say wouldn't it be easier for Georgia to let it go?
Nice to see you have entered the field of politics spree. A mastermind such as yours has no problems in shedding some light on this issue for us other "normies".
This is what I have to say:

image: war
Though how sad this actually is, there is some truth in that picture.
First Hitler,then Stalin. Now Putin


image: 610x
LOL you obviously know verry little about the UN forces. The UN is not America and the UK lolled. The UN is a force which is built up of men from most euro cuntrys. They are a peace keeping force notice I say Peace keeping. Like in Bosnia the UN spent many years there keeping the peace.
invade russia imo, the most simple solution is often the best one!!!!
And who's going to be the "big-balled guy" to invade Russia. Even that US would think twice before making that move!
belgium ofcourse
I'm not sure if I should smile or weep tears to your remark.
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