et ôo ????

when i open my et and i connect to a server it loads 2 times can any one say me why ?

srz for pro englsih
no flame pl0x
Mine does too :P just ignore it
no it suxx i got fucking slow pc and i dont want to wait 2 years befor im on the server ;DD
Bad cvars, check console, it tells what values are wrong, fix them and it wont anymore
Probably some cvar restriction. Check your cvar_backup.cfg files and search for the error in it.
Change the value in your config afterwards
seta b_backupcvars "0"

This ... ????
no :)
Look at your etpro folder. Normally ET generates an error cfg file named cvar_backupXX <-- sequence number or something like that (not sure and no ET over here)

Open the last one and check the text in it.
ahhhhhh i got it thx its fixed ;-)
Mine does too :P just ignore it
et.exe & etbox.exe
check cvars with clanbase restricted shit
could you post/pm them to me plx?
command "sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar cl_pitchspeed EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cl_yawspeed EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0"

command "sv_cvar b_simpleitems EQ 0"

command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005"
command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120"
command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1"

command "sv_cvar rate IN 15000 25000"
command "sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 40 100"
command "sv_cvar snaps EQ 20"
command "sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 40 125"

command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015"
command "sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022"

command "sv_cvar r_drawentities EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar r_drawworld EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar r_lightmap EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_showtris EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_znear EQ 3"
command "sv_cvar r_allowextensions EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar r_ati_fsaa_samples EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_ati_truform_tess EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_clamptoedge EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar r_colorMipLevels EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_depthbits IN 24 32"
command "sv_cvar r_detailtextures EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1"
command "sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
command "sv_cvar r_subdivisions IN 1 20"
command "sv_cvar r_lodcurveerror GE 60"
command "forcecvar r_wolffog 0"
command "forcecvar r_zfar 0"
mine et takes 2 minutes to load or smth xD
bad cvars
U got owned yesterday, no chance againts miklos :S
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