what is the ultimate best pc?

OK i need a new config, MONEY IS NOT A PROBLEM!

pls give me some configs that owns

my old pc is very good ! you can buy it !
how much?!?!?!?!!?
Hello :O)
no need for 2 graphic cards, waste of money :)
depends on monitor imo
the whole point is that it's the ultimate pc and 2 gfx cards will get you the best fps
buy whatever u want, but never, i repeat, NEVER buy a "asus" mainboard...
lol and you say that because?
because the hole company is the most fucked of company i ever met, im serious, its just a bad joke...
i have to run my system atm with one of the oldest bios version cause that wonderful asus mainboard dont work with newer versions... no costumer support at all, and a couple of other things, believe me, take a MSI mainboard, dont ever think about taking a asus one..
i currently have asus a mboard, and well i've ever had asus mboards. i had just one problem with a mboard and the rma took 2 weeks so im pretty satisfied :)
well then u got lucky, rly, atleast im never buying a Asus again, they were not bad, 7 years ago, but atm, compared to MSI ... no chance at all
fo from asus mainboards, they're ok, i have p5k-e and its pretty nice ;]
and they suck only cuz you can't flash your BIOS with new one? Plz thats pathetic, if there is something crap then its gigabyte. ASUS is doin pretty well especially with P45 chipsets
ofc i can flash my bios, but the problem is that the new bios is even more fucked up then the old versions..., and their user support well, there is no -.- ...
gigabyte is crap indeed, but like i said, if ur able to choose, take a MSI one.
i already bought it two weeks ago (ASUS P5Q-E). Great user interface and a lot of usefull stuff. I can't tell anything about their customer support since it is all working good. Dunno everyone is on his own opinion and i will stay at asus for some time now.
take marv's cfg!
if money is no issue...

then i recommend http://scan.co.uk/Product.aspx?WebProductId=564181 in sli
Try my cfg @ my profile, überownage and not complicated (hi2u beAsty :D)
MSI K9N2 SLI Platinum (if you want to use SLI, both cards will run with 8x lanes each :< but well, it isnt THAAAT big problem!)
AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+ EE
Arctic-Cooling Freezer 64 Pro PWM
GeIL DIMM 4 GB DDR2-800 Kit (Black Dragon Series)
SATA 3,5" - 500GB Samsung HD501LJ SpinPoint F1DT
MSI nx8800gt

+ a random 500watt power supply.

bought it some days ago. runs like hell <333
full fps at every game with full settings.
That is kinda shit computer btw :XD

That is kinda shit computer btw :XD
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