CS:S Steam Invite

Good evening, i hate Counter Strike but i bought it yesterday (Source), it was around 7€ with the weekend's discount.

Somehow it came with a temp invite, it means you can invite a friend to test the game for "X" days, no clue how long it is actually.

The invite expires on 09/09/2008, so i thought about posting it here, whoever wants it, just -->PM<-- here (will need your mail), my bouncer is fucked up so don't try to look for me on IRC.

Have a good day.

#1 lol i WANT!
Give it to me! Ive never tried it before!!!
sure :D never played cs/cs:s
nice nick man
you are 3rd here ;/
invite me please think you
i believe it's 'thank you'
css + steam and whole valve sux ass.

even though i have the game myself. (what a mispurchase...)
"datenspion" steam.

all i have to say about that. ;>
i like cs 1.6

also have this @ cod4, damn what a shit game, I want my 65 fucking euro's back.
really, if it weren't for some friends who'd like to buy this random crap from me, I'd break it in two and perforate the developers lungs with it, and then let him smell it so he can disgust of the shit that he has brought to life @ this already fucked up world...
well promod is nice :D
No, it's absolute random cancercrap. Really, that game isn't even worthy the name of fail. It's like... camp only (broken legs), uber overpowered snipers, random nades, shitty maps (with the autoclimb n stuff), too random although constantly repetitive, etc etc etc

it's really a waste of my 65 euro's :<
you remind me of my friend, he is also like you are. if he doesn't own in game what he puts on in console/pc he says "shit game,never gonna play it" and thats it. last time we were playing R6V2 and we played it over months,then he got owned and he crashed the CD and that's it.

it takes a while when you get used to it,my first comment was the same as yours,but i played it day/two and i got addicted to it-
impossible to play css with packetloss >_<
i was talking about cod4

Quotealso have this @ cod4, damn what a shit game, I want my 65 fucking euro's back.

or who ever i replyed to? oO ment to go to spee
well, first of all, this was about cod4

and ive been playing cod4 for a few months now, played wars, pickups, pubs, every mod, so I'm kinda experience. Also, yes, I am actually decent at the game, but I just think it's too random and gay to be a good game.

And about css... That's just meant to be fail ;D it's for noobs who can't play real games where you actually need skill instead of boredom making you sit around all day and shoot someone when they pass by that place you've been guarding for the past century (hey, reminds me of cod4)
get flatout ultimate carnage :)
yes that's true,i lol'd on those noobs @cod4 who just camp in corner,but you know,it's easy to take them down..
I've had the game for about 4 years. Played it around 3-4 times. It's THAT terrible :)
i have same. if someone wants a invitation to try CS:S just pm me.

*also have one guest pass for Day of Defeat:Source.
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