login @other WLAn

hey ho girls& guys,

goood morning....
after i moved to new appartment my provider told me that me had to wait nother 10 days for fuck inet... so i was thinking about to get into the WLAN of my neighbours.
what i have to do to get in there?^^ i heard its illegal?!
and yes ill be a good girl and will share my inet via wlan one day2 when i got it back :p bad bad girl me is...no.......!

thx for ur help, have a nice day........!

btw: any news i missed, any new busts, or dates for cdc?

shoutout2 my buddies & pumu <3

random pic: image: o0eckn
thx for ur usefull comment..
if i would have time to google i would do it but no and sry that me dont have much knowledge about this fucking shit.
so u is learning this shit as far as i know... i expected smth more...
I won't give you a guide for doing illegal things.
its rly illegal...but if he is not protected at all, he wont recognize shit
3 years ago any WLAN was open for abuse, these days everybody protects it. Via PSP i can check if there r any connections avi, for eg at home i could use 2 of 5 WLANs around me, but i dont ;)
i wont use it for long just for few days till me gets inet....
i know its illegal but well sometimes i dont care.... at least when i have no chance to come online.. :p
just ask ur neighbour...if he´s a nice guy it shouldnt be a prob to share the connection a couple of days

btw with PSP i can also detect if its a open or protected WLAN ;)
Illegal? Where is the rulle about this? If schnee can easly connect into a wireless lan its because there isnt any protection... and if they dont proctect their network, it means that its legal to connect :P
german judge decided this.
rofl... so you are telling me that its not legal to connect to a OPEN network? o.O
Dont you have non protected networks at coffee's , shopping's etc?
no argument, there's a difference between a private person and a wlan (hotspot) provider.
There is? But there is also something similar between both: They are being payed from someone, and its open for someone connect :XD:XD Like i already said to my rl friends, if they wanna have wireless, then they need to learn how to protect the network, atleast with some random key (wep wpa ), because if it open the neighbours can easly get into the private netwoork and change their pcs n stuff :\
an individual is being payed for having an open wlan? :-D
don't get me wrong, I do understand your point. I can't stand people who can't protect their wlan and I do connect to open wlans aswell, still it's not necessarily "legal".
Its clear as that, legal! Anyway at portugal lots of people share their connection with the neighbors.. Some of them even bough a special thing to expand the sinal for almost km's :P
hi2u sexy ;)
;D Hi!!

Wish me a good happy birthday! 20! :'<
omg omg today...! i wish u all the best! hope u have a nice day..! so shut down ur pc and go ou, make some party for me :D
:< Well im going out with friends in some hours, but nothing really special. At Saturday i will celebrate my birthday with them. Today will be just a normal day, because usually i celebrate with family n stuff, but this year someone is at Hospital. No mood at all :\
oh well im sry, try to do the best of it :/
hey its ur bday......! i guess u have sun. we not... ! so at least u coiuld be happy about this fact :p
Usually at my birthday is like 30+ºc but this year its not. Its almost raining (grey sky :X )
omg what a shit day !!! not normal..! omg at least i smile for u ;)
;D thanks

brb shower
lol aggressive lol :p
btw dno how to do that <3
but i servived 5 weeks without inet omg omg :O
she behave like me is stupid or smth... but well yes u r right but i miss playing et since i didnt play it for month. but to be inactive and then having no inet is rly shit ;)

at least inet @work :p
hehe ye :p
is die wandbemalung jetzt fertig?
sah cool aus was du da mal gepostet hast :D
ja ich lad demnächst fotos hoch
nächstes we ist einweihungsparty und nochmal 2 wochen spter kommt meine küche. ales supi und soviel platz nur für mich ;)
hehe lol :D cool
Depends on how its protected

If it's protected via mac-address (sort of adress of your network-card) or a webkey you won't get in afaik. If it's not protected you should simply find it and be able to surf.

But I think you're asking how to hack the webkey or smth right? In that case I can't help but would love to know the answer myself^^
it does shows me other wlans at my fritzbox BUT i have no way to connect or well i dunno how to^^
If they're not protected simply double-clicking the one of you're choice would be doing the trick. If they're protected after all you'll be prompted for a key and you can simply cancel and check the next one. That's sadly enough all I know about using WLAN as I hate it for it's speed so I never use it ;(
fritzbox doesnt ring a bell.

If ur using linux, it might be possible to crack wep secured wlans ...
U'll need kismet and some other tools

This is a good url : http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/20824-18-crack

If u wanna crack wep & wpa , it might take some time ...

Best is to look for unsecured wlans and just connect to them :)
failed to see the problem ^_^
she doesn't even know how to connect to a wlan, do you really think she's using linux? :-D
A person never knows .. i said IF she was using linux :)

If she isnt, she just has to use her windows wireless manager and connect to a non protected network
stop giving people illegal stuff ;<
blah, its just help :p
just google for "How to crack wep" or "how to hack wireless connections" or something like this :)

Plenty stuff to find, i tried cracking wep of my neighbours a time ago with linux & kismet etc
don't connect trough ur fritzbox, use the wireless netwerkmanager on ur PC and just select a unprotected network and connect to it.

fritzbox is only a simple router, needs a direct internetconnection, maybe there is an option to use it as accesspoint though, then u should be able to connect with other wlan using the fritzbox

should be very easy once u found the wirelessnetworkmanager, it's in the controlpannel in windows
There are tons of tools, which read out the connected clients and their mac adress. You just need to spoof it (No, the tools can't influence ur etpro guid) with it, that's all.
first you need a reciver :d
then you need to hope that their wlan is not encrypted xD
bad girls dont get good things

Bad girl even gone more bad.
what about asking the neighbours to use their wlan?
Haha, yes that's even easiër and if it's not allowed then hack it :D
my new neighbours r rly strange....
have u tried turning it off and on again?
you do know how a button works, don't you?
yea, you need to turn it on.
its the button that glows
no?! cant be tru!!!!
geschmeidig bleiben... wa..
sry that me isnt a pc specialist.. thx god some ppl love it and know what to do...
have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?
atm im @work i will try all these usefull comments when im at home
i just searched for other wlans yesterday. found some but couldnt connect. then i openend via netzwerkinstallation and tried to connect with new connection. didnt work
You see the drive hooks a function by patching the system core table so it's not safe to unload it unless another thread is about to jump in there and do its stuff. And you don't want to end up in the middle of invalid memory. hehe.
Actually its pretty easy...Let your wifi check for available wireless lans in your area. If it finds something click on "connect" :P

won't really work if there is a pw, and the new WPSwhatever its called is kinda hard to break, yet kind of illegal I suppose.

Just use a big antenna, I will give you my wlan pw then.
there isnt the option for "connect"
im not stupid so i tried allrdy some stuff :p

but ahhhhhhhhh shit shit i will visit my neighbour today if this hints wont help me. :/
I know I know, just teasing you :)

btw, I guess you mean option - not opinion. ;P
ya ya ya edited ffs

btw hows u?!
I'm - like always - tired, but not too bad. only 3 weeks to go until I hit the plane to portugal whohohoh. I hate flying though, and we have a zwischenlandung in Mallorca, so it will be the double "fun" =(
It is illegal
Why don't you ask them if you could use it for the time being until yours is sorted?
If you still want to use it, it's usually easy to use, depending on the encryption they have, if any. There are plenty of tools for packet sniffing and crack various keys out there, but most people leave their wireless router unprotected and keep the default user/pass so it's useful to know the default stuff like admin/password etc d:

wardriving rox
been to berlin @ saturday
soo sad i could not find you :(
im sad now...
Quotebtw: any news i missed, any new busts, or dates for cdc?

Ye, Kill3rBoY was busted click!
im justing doing "search network" and i see 5 networks and only 4 are protected :d
same ;p internet from the neighbours is awesome :D
tzzzzZz....! therefore weve got serious pages like this to find some help eh :p
u just have to know where to ask , u dont have to know all ;)
wb schnee :)

but how often do u move ???? this is like the 3rd time this year, isnt it ???
hi2u noor <3
well no its my first move this year just a long move :p
It's quite easy with the right adapter and if you know how to. All you need to know is, whether it's able to go in the monitor mode.

Then download backtrack 3 and burn the iso. That's like an own os, which contains all the tools you need to get what you want. Boot from the CD. The rest with pm.
n1 helping her with a crime !
i'm at vacation stealing some random inet lol 2mb only :<
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