working #1

Yesterday I only set only in front of PC and bored but today is different story! I need to install SP3 @ 29 PCs but im rly enjoing it :P


edit: @ 12:00 is lunch :D
QuoteYesterday I only set only in front of PC but today is different story! I need to install SP3 @ 29 PCs

and how exactly its gonna be different :P ur still gonna sit infront of pc's
its not boring like yesterday :D
what the hell do you work as
I hope you can set a few minutes today.
u has cool buddylist,must be pro
ahaha, indeed :D the best part is how Belgium tNa. is in it :D
no he isn´t.. me is missing !
don't install it ! it's shit :<
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InterFace Offline

hope it takes an average of 30mins on each PC to install
around 45 min (slow pc-s+ Dame Ware mini remote control)
You're tech-support as well ? :P
I need to install SP3 to at least 11 computers, but I think i'll do it tomorrow. Just sitting iny my office at the moment, nothing to do.
seems boring? always doing the same?
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