Funnny match, I lol'd

Let's start about the lol'd story.
We found and irc match (3on3 med+) and rew`humM3L /q my mate.
So we play supply and easily beat them.
After, I didn't think it was the real HIGHBOT so, I did a /yawn (1st one).
Next, we played sw_goldrush_te and we made a time of 7min.
2 reactions:

Walter/Humm3l: Who are you?
We just answer "nonamers" cause we are.

John/Matze/faux have to reconnect because of "bad fps"

So he reconnect and match start again. He can't be the same player: only 3hs/kill, always knowing our positions, he had a bot sor sure.

So, I yawn him again and result :
1st day guid, same nick.

Judge by yourselves :

1st yawn:
image: yawn1wn6

John yawn

2nd yawn:
image: yawn2ov2
John yawn

So now , you can see that German are worst than french or polakk .
faux is clean. leave him alone!!!
HUMM3L Playing with CB Banned players? unexpected.

Just ban him from xfire, what a retard.
why don't you CB-ban him? D:
you got new flag every week... fucking immigrant!
he looks like totaly in love.

i m sure, he s phoning to a wodka drunken girl :D
wodka drunken?
yes, ban everyone, omg. shut the fuck up already man and stop telling people who can they play with.
well, hummel is from russia, so his attitude has nothing todo with Germans.
ru/de, double bad combination
Cheating in ET????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Not heard of around here!!!!!
too many questionmarks, +20 warning point please, fucker
does that make hummel a cheater? no.. so let him play with that guy
nobody but I just mean, let him play with whoever he wants.. their is not a rule that says that you cannot play with cheaters (in public or practice wars)... the way simoon59 talks about hummel makes it look like he is doing something wrong like a cheater and he totally isn't
Oh yes, he is. Playing with nC customers is an indirect support of it. This behaviour plays down what Faux has done. Paying money for the will to cheat on competition level permantly. It integrates such people into the community.

As harder the consequences as more you will think about to start to cheat. You don't take any risk, if you have just to suffer from a short ban time. But you will, if you risk the 'friendship' to people you like. Social pressure is more important than any ban period.

Reproduce it to the real life.You will think twice, whether you would cheat your friend with his girlfriend. I would have definitely less problems to fuck a married girl, if I don't know the husband.

Furthermore you are just a part of the cheating act. Do you really believe that Faux stopped cheating instantly, when he got busted? It's not a random public bust from 2005. He paid money for it and Faux knows nobody will be able to bust him by demos. In addition, if he is smart enough nobody will even accuse him as long you don't know, who he is. So there are at least 3 people on the opponent side, which will be cheated. And you make it possible.

It's the similar logic as if you pay a killer. You didn't kill a person, but you made it possible.
so there is nothing wrong with playing with a netcoders customer who is obviously cheating during that match (with his mates knowing about it)?
ouh yeah, what a fucked up attitude, seriously. not the cheaters are killing et, but those who still knowingly play with them.
I totally agree BUT I don't agree when the player who you are playing with is a really close friend :) i dunno what's the case with faux and humù3l.. I hate cheaters as much as you do but yeah :/ you shouldn't care so hard about it.. just don't play against humm3l from now on then ;)
i don't even care that much any more about ppl who used a public cheat or nexus once and are most likely to be clean these days. but it's different for me if this guy is using a private bot. and tbh i don't understand how someone like that can be a "close friend". if it is an e-mate of mine i would stop playing with him because he lied to me while i trusted him. if it even was a reallife-friend of mine (i personally don't know anyone who plays et though and i even can't imagine anyone of them being cheaters if they played et... i mean how sad is it to spend money for a cheat, i can't imagine any of my friends doing so) then it doesn't have to affect my rl-friendship with him but still i wouldn't play et with him any more. i think it was teente who said the same about a rl-friend of his.
hummel = fatality
Jonathan "humm3l" Wendel!
no meight im jiggy, i just fake gambit regularly
Enemy Territory Achievements:


-Kicked by PunkBuster for GAMEHACK
like 1/5 of ET players cause of the nC attack
Yea but it's not really an achievement.
It says enough about his ET career!
Nothing can be worse than polaks
actually sir, you are
and why exactly would you think that ?
well, I don't like stereotypes at all, including those about nations, tbh
not being biased or anything , but its a fact that polish people got the highest amount of cheaters per player

not even mentioning the unhittability that more than 50% has
unhittability sounds more like fact, cuz we rly have shitty connections, can't deny :)

but come to think of it, many polaks play et at all, so our maybe comparable with other countries if make it percentage amount of cheaters is more visible - I have never really counted this, so maybe I'm wrong.

well, think what you want to :P
I know that NL for example has loads of players , but only a smaller % of these players well got busted is the better term here , they might actually have the same or a higher % of cheaters , but if they don't get busted you can't know this
med+ nonamers, unexpected
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