fu**ing picmip [ger allowed]

why i always have picmip 1 when i connect on a server :s

i have

seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 9600 GT/PCI/SSE2"
seta com_recommendedSet "1"
r_picmip 3

in ALL config´s (etmain/profiles/etconfig; etpro/profiles/etconfig; etmain/autoexec.cfg)

..and it doesn´t work!

when i write in the console /r_picmip 3, /writeconfig etconfig and then reconnect i have picmip 1. whether they is "schreibgeschützt" (xD) or not.

maybe something is wrong with my r_ settings ?

set r_allowExtensions "1"
set r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
set r_ati_truform_tess "0"
set r_cache "0"
set r_clamptoedge "1"
set r_clear "0"
set r_colorbits "32"
set r_customaspect "0"
set r_customheight "768"
set r_customwidth "1024"
set r_depthbits "16"
set r_detailtextures "0"
set r_displayrefresh "100"
set r_dlightBacks "0"
set r_drawFoliage "0"
set r_drawSun "0"
set r_dynamicLight "0"
set r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
set r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set r_ext_compressed_textures "0"
set r_ext_gamma_control "1"
set r_ext_multitexture "1"
set r_ext_texture_env_add "0"
set r_facePlaneCull "1"
set r_fastSky "1"
set r_finish "0"
set r_flares "0"
set r_fullscreen "1"
set r_gamma "2.3"
set r_highQualityVideo "0"
set r_ignoreFastPath "0"
set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
set r_ignoreHWGamma "0"
set r_inGameVideo "0"
set r_intensity "1.5"
set r_lodBias "2"
set r_lodCurveError "250"
set r_lodscale "5"
set r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
set r_mode "-1"
set r_nocull "0"
set r_nocurves "0"
set r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
set r_overBrightBits "0"
set r_picmip "3"
set r_primitives "0"
set r_rmse "0"
set r_showSky "0"
set r_showTris "0"
set r_simpleMipMaps "0"
set r_smp "1"
set r_stencilBits "0"
set r_stereo "0"
set r_subdivisions "20"
set r_swapInterval "0"
set r_textureBits "32"
set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set r_UIFullscreen "0"
set rate "25000"
set r_wolffog "0"
set r_drawfoliage "0"

thx 4 help and sryz 4 engrish
just write" r_picmip "3"" into ur autoexec.cfg
isn't is seta r_...

wagnOr <3

[e] failed to read :DDD
Quotei have
r_picmip 3
in ALL config´s (etmain/profiles/etconfig; etpro/profiles/etconfig; etmain/autoexec.cfg)

..and it doesn´t work!

<3 :P
delete the r_lastvaldblabla
it does not matter whether I can stand in the config or not it is created automatically anyway

I have also been tried
u did wrong
delete it from ur cfg
connect to server
exec ur see ef gee
r_picmip 3
minimize ET
press reply button
"thx pala you the best"
doesn´t work ://////
he failed typing
"thx pala you the best"
seta com_recommendedSet "1"
exec cfg
r_picmip 3

God I'm so sick of all these unknowing CFG-noobs. Seriously, is it that hard?
Delete all your cfg files in etmain and use mine.
After someone explained me "how to fix the forced r_picmip 1 problem?" i done exactly what he has written. That was:

1. delete the command r_lastvalidrenderer "x" from your config
2. read your config
3. go out of the game or write /vid_restart in the console
4. enjoy!

He don't written it that well... I'm gonna make a tutorial about that, since many guys have this retarded problem :!

PS. I really don't know why only germans have problems with fixing easy problems, do what you say to them and speak english. Could you answer this question please?
It's the general Cf mentality. I guess we can't help it.
shortcut => D:\Installed\rtcwet\ET.exe "+set fs_game etpro ; timescale 100 and place the the right cfg with picmip as autoexec.cfg in etpro
wie gesagt, ich habe versucht zu helfen. ich verstehe deine antwort als negativ und kann mir deshalb keinen reim drauf machen. da aber so ein bauer schon comments abgegeben hat lassen wir das am ebsten auf sich beruhen.
ich hab schon verstanden das du helfen willst^^
ich wollte auch nur mangow sagen das er die fresse halten soll weil er bei einer geklärten sache von inkompetenz gelabert hat :o
nichts für ungut wenn ich dich hätte anflamen wollen hätte ich den richtigen reply button genutzt :P
After someone explained me "how to fix the forced r_picmip 1 problem?" i done exactly what he has written. That was:

1. delete the command r_lastvalidrenderer "x" from your config
2. read your config
3. go out of the game or write /vid_restart in the console
4. enjoy!

He don't written it that well... I'm gonna make a tutorial about that, since many guys have this retarded problem :!

PS. I really don't know why only germans have problems with fixing easy problems, do what you say to them and speak english. Could you answer this question please?
delete r_lastValidRenderer from all of ur cfg's. It shouldn't be set manually.
If that doesn't help, try reinstall :x
Whats wrong with picmip 1? More details = easier to spot enemies! fkin nubs
r_picmip 0 <3

and <3 wagnOr :)
2 months ago i wrote that.
im just bored klicking around :((
Fair enough.
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