epic of epic epicweek week n stff

So here my story begins its wednesday somewhere in the year and we like going to a place called tilburg and its a city with ninjas and we need to be careful and we go here by train and we will lbe like in the place from Anonymous RoeltjE and yesh e is a ninja too one of the smallest ones alive and we like going there in a crackplace and we will drink stuff and Netherlands maikel and Netherlands shorty and Netherlands apple WE have a device called camera and we can film stuff but its dangerous here we cant do much atm we are in a hideout in a house stealing the internets and we need to move locations every 15 mins or they will find out.
also we have grasodka with us with bizongrass and absinthe to make us fly and we can pwn people in real life but we dont know what this real life is kinda HIDDEN MESSAGE I LOVE <33NEBU but this is super secret we cant be awake much longer.. the superleetpwnagehax soldiers will be near soon we need to hide have sex make someone pregnant and run again quick to the place called lollercoaster... side note: we are not black so we didnt rape anyone (no hate to efax and kuraigu).

we are eating cookies secretly
with coke and sperm but it makes us stronger, we will be back in 4 days, or sooner depends if we get aids from the sperm cookies, good luck and we will make the world abit safer by killing people, online
epic of epic =)
nice story tho
yeeha..found out that loekino is the writer in beginning of line2:D

E: love the way you write stories, pls much moah
what brumu said, watching conan atm , ill read later :D
I just read this.

What the fuck, someone please kill me. ; password wotahocka I'll kill you!
Quote secoNdat on 13/08/08, 09:14:53 PM | Reply ; password wotahocka I'll kill you!

514? wtf is 514??!?!?!
Dunno some random server I think :>
Self-invented btw
this will be quite epic
what the fuck is wrong with you
wannabe even worse attention whore then certain someone xD
u should make this story a movie.
A little preview - HERE
good luck
I'm looking forward to Loekino's anime show
anime has destroyed you
ooh i wish i could care to read :/
Need some more stories because I'm bored and listening to ngr music (what I normally do very often)
eeee... and nothing more.
We are having fun
Loekino is asleep and he couldn't handle all the absinthe lol :p
doing same as u if u didnt notice this before.
did i flame u? I just wrote noting meaning comment like "eee... and noting more" And i dont care why are u flaming about my cuntry, if u doing this also u flaming to me, so dont be suprice i iwll be doing same to u.
stop wondering mister. And i am not flaming u instead of u cuntry.
omg u cant read or what? where i wrote i am flaming u instead of ur country? I just doing this sometime, coz thats "you". Clear?
sorry, i am just form Poland.
and btw. U were also calling urself a friend of me, so i am used for false ppl. Dont worry, I learn how to carry of my own buisness.
u know what u did.

edit* and i dont have any close friends anymore.
or mabye i just finish conversation with u, by my last comment?
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