Do you drink & drive ?

I prefer add a poll but i dont have permission

So do you drink & drive ?

My friend's yes
My friend's not

image: alcohol_victim%5B1%5D

With my bicycle
Ofcourse not.
no, cause just no. 0,00 image: ac18ad56eb106d4928327bed47602c32 always when driving.
Drinking and driving is possibly the most fucking idiotic thing that I can imagine.
I would never do that or be in a car driven by a drunk person.
No words for this. you will get stupid reactions anyways, especially on that picture... its awfully!
so it's reaching it's goal. more then enough people drive drunk.
Pic's workin..
I did it once when I was younger, I was so embarrased. Haven´t done it since.

Me and my friends have this deal, we can instantly smack and beat someone of us he tries to drive when drunk. One of my friend got killed by a drunk driver few years ago, so I can´t really allow anyone to go behind the wheel.

EDIT: Well, with bicycle ofc, every week. But I can only hurt myself, so it really isn´t a problem.
sometimes but only short distances and never when I'm drunk. after 3 beers the alcohol level is over the legal limit (0.5) but im not drunk so I'm fit for driving, but of course I wont drive unless its necessary.
lol ofc yes..

p.s no license yet
wow such a badass. signature pls?
I don't drink more than I'm allowed to.
I also hate people who are drunk on their bicycles.
It's in my blood man.
no never! even the day after i have drunk i wait as late as possible.

QuoteOn average it takes about one hour for your body to process one unit of alcohol. This varies depending on your body size, sex and the amount of food in your digestive system. If your liver isn't functioning normally, the process takes longer. One unit of alcohol is roughly equivalent to half a pint of beer, a 25ml (pub) measure of spirit, or two-thirds of a small (125ml) glass of wine. This means that one pint takes your body about two hours to break down, and a large glass of wine (250ml) about three hours - longer if the ABV (alcohol by volume) content is higher than average. So if you have seven pints during a night out, it could take as long as 17 or 18 hours to leave your system.

1 Imperial pint = 0.568261485 litres (for euros)

I dont mind driving the next day, surely I'm not gonna drive if I dont have to if I feel like I might still have alcohol over the limit, but lets say I went to my friends place with a car, we start drinking and I leave the next day with the car, that im willing to do.
all depends on how many i have had, after one friday i didn't dare drive till sunday afternoon :P
well basically the worst you can have is, you drink till 4 or so and dont go to sleep and leave in the morning around 8 or so. I did that once, but I felt myself completely sober and I had to get the car home. but if you drink hellalot, you also get hangover, which means you probably dont want to sit in a car when feeling like throwing up all the time.
The point is you might feel ok after a sleep, but your reactions be impaired. Chances are if it's a normal uneventful drive home you'll be fine - but if anything out-of-the-ordinary happens you won't have your full reactions to deal with it.

'n if anything does go wrong chances are you'll get a hefty prison sentence.
nellie knows he once got on a plane home under the influence :D
nellie always left 1 day to sober up!

<cue leaving before the end jibe :O(( >
on a constant basis
Absolutely not, I will not drive while under the influence. Driving whilst intoxicated is stupid, irresponsible and childish.
That's probably the most idiotic thing you can do. You even do it consciously.
One Mohrenkopp and Im still able to drive.
when i take the bus.
No bus @ Drink time.. sorry
in france, yes.
I'd rather shoot myself in the hands than drink drive after 1 pint of beer. Only the fucking retarded people drink drive (over limit)
after 1 pint? uh....
As much as I can handle my drink, I wouldn't drive a car after 1 pint, even though it's legal. Same applies for going in a car with someone else.
Just personal preference :>
if I'm going with a car to a party and if its already quite late, I usually start drinking in the car, one to two beers max (2 beers keeps me inside the limit). maybe its just me, but 2 beers do not affect me at all.
Quoteif I'm going with a car to a party and if its already quite late, I usually start drinking in the car

You being a passenger or driving? :}
At least he's showing some responsibility. Even 1 pint may affect drastically. :l
if he is such person, then yeah. but its all the same for me if I have 1-2 pints or not.
so whats the point of drinking those 2 beers if u can just drink 2 cola's or whatever u like more without alcohol and still feel the same?
read some of my other comments, its the occasion when im going to a party. and yes, I tend to drink at parties.
i drink and drive like i hash and fly :D
You're a mongol so it's OK!
your father is a whore
Did it once and crashed pretty bad. Luckily no injuries for me or for my friend. I think I learned my lesson
nop i poo and drive
I don't even drink and drive a bike.. :o
I always walk after drinking alcohol.
Model citizen!
i don't like alcohol, anyone?
I'd never drink and drive (no license yet) and wouldn't drive even after one pint. Even though your not drunk, if anything did ever happen you'd still wonder if it would have happened if you didn't have that drink.
alcohol is bad for yaaaah
ban the fag for posting that pic, thnx
Absolutely not.
After 1-2 beers maybe, but not when you're completely wasted.
i dont... never have done so and i think i m never gonna do so...

i dont know but i guess i am not a guy that needs alcohole to enjoy a party...
dont have a problem to let my gf drink and be the driver myself
your mother is german.
Your father is Finnish(?)

Some of my friends, yes. :(
after 1-2 beers i will nothing more.
if you personally killed someone drunk driving, or if one of your family was killed by a drunk driver, you'd never even dream of doing it personally.

so to those who do drink drive; don't let it take one of your friends or family ending up like the girl in the image above to stop you.

EDIT: also, any amount of alcohol reduces your reaction times, over the limit or not
Never! 8-)
loel please, stop lying :P
Please :((
Never. But I do not like alcohol, so it is not a problem for me. I do no enter a car from a friend who has drunken alcohol either. And I never start my car if someone has not got his/her seatbelt on. Serious.

I remember one time when I had to do a lot of multitasking just before entering my car and even when I entered my car, so I forgot my seatbelt, drove for quite some time, and when I got home and found out I did not have my seatbelt on my whole body was shaking. Also because I was glad that I did not get caught.
Same, about the seatbelt stuff
i can't even drive yet loel
i must admit i did it twice and i felt like shit... especially the 2nd time when i drove home to my hotel after "octoberfest" (back in 2004 i think) in munich with my companies car (was there for a business trip)... and i was totally wasted... luckily nothing bad happend... after that i promised myself to never do it again... (and never did again so far!)

I only did it cause i was too lazy to walk the 4kms from the subway to the hotel btw... was such a dumb idea if i look back at it now...
I've also done it a few times... Stopped that shit completely. It's one of those things that I could imagine getting out of hand: "Hey, nothing happened the last time, so why not..."
i drove my bike when i was drunk . never do that .
Once I rode my bicycle when I was drunk, I still wear consequents of it on my body.
I only drink
grim does it all teh time
no. first i drink. then i drive. never drink while you drive. you can spill it all over the car.
You have to drink in moderation. But where the fuck is moderation ?!
i've been looking for that bar too
I might drive after 1(-2) pint(s) but I always make ppl wear their seatbelts

got one nasty experience about being crashed at speed of 80km/h, driver & all the others drunk (I drived before he did, could've been me crashing the car too :s), the driver and me (front seat) had no seatbelt but the 3 ppl @ back had their's on. we rolled 1 or 2 circles into forest but noone got any serious injuries, had to cross my arms after seeing we all were pretty much ok (despite the fact that driver & the owner of the car were crying & shocked)
when i had a licence i would drink 2 pints max no more
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