haven't fapped since monday

news imo

also, i have nowhere to sleep, should i go home or play eastasian games all evening?


had a fap on monday
went to ollies lan on tuesday
we were lanning up on wednesday
and on thursday and friday and saturday
and im goin home on sunday

also bitches don't know about my fast castle age mass war elephant tactics

edit2: live performances of "how you killed your game" on ventrilo this evening only
asian sounds good
bravo sir bravo, I can already see what'll be the remains of your room on sunday;

image: GhostEctoplasm
can I join in?!1
sure. Bring a friend. Or two.
I see what you Craig'd there, David.
there is no way you saw my war elephants

well even if you did, its nothing for my trebuchet
Teutons > Elephants if built faster any day.
Twice a day keeps me happy. One after waking up, one before going to sleep. You should do it everywhere, it's completely normal.
do you really think people should masturbate "everywhere"? pretty weird
I deleted all my porn from my hd few days ago, including my collection of over 6600 pics :(
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