Morning journal lols

Didn't sleep at all and can't sleep now since it's too light already o_O
Just watched Vantage Point, was pretty awesome movie imo.
These are my plans for today:
I'm going to take a shower, have some breakfast after that. Then maybe play a bit on the piano. Then if I can put myself up to it I will try and clean my room which is starting to smell a bit like old socks now.
After that I'll try to fix my bike and go to the supermarket and get some food, then it's off to prac CoD4 again 24/7 until next thurseday when my last year at college starts :>

So what are your plans for this Friday?

image: ninjas
hmm, i have two choice 1. i would go to lan with my friends and we prolly would play DotA/wow:< 2. or i could go hang out with my other friends:> dunno what going to do, but now i am at school:)
hide you head under teh pillow and sleep
going to bed now, gmorning.
You didn't go to sleep either or what? ^^
got a lil bit of sleep but got woke up by my nice work phone ¬_¬` so im mooching around on my laptop and also browsing around crossfire :D
Nicely done I'd say, when I get to sleeping without an alarmclock or something waking me up I can easily sleep until halfway through the afternoon.
Sick atm :<
For now I'll wait like 9 hours for friends to get home from work, then I go to Alko and grab some cheap 40% alc bottle for the starters. Then I drink the bottle and go where my nose leads me. For sure I will go to Fontana Night Club at the end of the night to see Velvet, but only because Finland hatehead is going there alone and I don't want him to feel lonely. I'm guessing whole night will cost around 150€ like always with taxi and multiple tequilas.
I might come there too! just need place to sleep @ vaasa unless we get some driver.
I prefer pickin up some girl @ fontana and spending the night at her place!
Good luck with that! Fontana is known for the most shallow people in Vaasa after all ;)
I will be trying to install Ubuntu on my PC. :-)

Later, probably I will go to play some match in basketball, but weather sucks atm and my legs hurts so much after gym. :-( Anyway it's nothing special :-D

Have a nice Friday !! :-)
at school teaching our teacher. kinda boring. he is teaching use of photoshop, the basics of basics -_-
At least photoshop lessons are ok, I'm going to follow Advanced Salary Administration and something about Incometaxes and companytaxes^^
well yeah, but I came to school to learn and im not really learning anything. sure its nice that I can surf the net as much as I want to but I might aswell be on the workhall working with my school projects (just finished my computer desk yesterday \o/!!)
That's true. Your not paying school to teach you things you already know. Can't you tell the teacher that you already get all the crap he's teaching and that you'd rather do something else like some other school projects?
At my school most of the teachers won't mind if we do things like that.
yeah im going to ask after the class, this is my first class of this.
yay, from now on I get all the homework sent to me on my mail. took me 3 minutes to make todays homework.
That's how school should be x)
hah! :D Meillä nää selittää viel jostai vitun exelist -.- (datis linja eka vuos :o)
thats why I quit being datis.
party tonight :D

bought yesterday already 3 bottles bacardi, my friendst will buy some drinks 2 tonight .

We will go out in denhaag or smth some nice girls there :]
Anything going on in Den Haag tonight? I mean some artist/DJ/event, or just partying in the clubscene :)
Vrijgezellenfeest :D

Dunno how you call that in english :)

Come also lets enjoy there :D

edit: this is also nice

check :D
Bachelorparties are always nice ;)
I would've come if I'd lived closer to Den Haag. I could stay at a friend there, but to much of a hassle to arrange that^^
ah k np :) maybe next time you must come some day its so nice man

So the girls they go on the podium always and then they call somebody who can take jelly shot :D

You can do what you want there man so nice :D and the girls are stupid drunken etc. they dont know what they are doing :)

You must come some day me its better then hanging out in amsterdam ( there its always the same)
thinking about visting mr xxx today again , wasted around 150 € there today night , but the ladies were worth it :DD , slept today 2hrs :< , now at wärk
wtf 2 hours 150 euro :|

Come alkmaar 35 euro best ladys ever (from romania, bulgary, hungary, czech) 1 time finish Lal (20/30 minutes :P)
well its estonia here :c , there arent any nice places xpect lasso or that xxx clubs :c

30 mins would be nice, more aspects to visit nl in 09'
hahaha nice :D ;)

Have fun btw you have some nice clubs here 70 euro entry and can stay whole night do what you want ...

you have sauna/ nice eating place/ etc. there

And nice girls :D ;)

You can do also what you want there with the girls ;)

Have fun :D
any agelimits there? here starts from 21 tho , but the bouncer was nice guy today , even gave us 50% discount on entry fee :p
18+ i guess :D

but i was there with some friend who was 17 xD

best place eva;)

75 or 70 euro dont remember anymore and you can stay till 5o'clock start 22:00 ;)
tennis from 11-12.
then a litlle siesta till 6, then match at 6.30 and later on I go sleep at a friends place (rrr) because the morning afterpill we're going to pukkelpop!
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