trading keys

i give you cod4 key
you give me rtcw key

simple as that

random 4chan thread:
you can have my sword
you're bowing for anyone offering anything, don't you?:D
swordmen attack 25
bowmen attack 10

no thanks :/
But bowmen attack from range and kill the swordmen before they can get close enough to do any damage.

chuck norris > bowmen > swordmen > teenage mutant ninja turtles > powerrangers
jack bauer > junk norris
Chuck is going to visit you in your sleep for saying that.
I'm happy im not you right now =)
he's going to find jack bauer there :)
You might aswell go hide behind your mom, it wont do any difference.
Chuck Norris will beat the shit out of you both.
Nothing can stop him, not even himself, thats how awesome he is!
hm axemen @lvl 21 and attack 45

it's a deal
oh look at me i go to 4chan and i'm so cool
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