The premiership is back

Less than 2 hours until normal service resumes! Whilst the European Championships were entertaining they're no replacement for the cut and thrust of the Premier League and Champions League.

Will Big Phil guide Chelsea to their first title in 2 years? Will Alex Ferguson continue to be a miserable shit? Will Arsene Wenger finally buy players that can actually play this season? Will Rafa still win nothing and keep his job? WIll big Dean Windass score any goals? Will David Moyes and Martin O Neill have a big touchline fight?

FIND OUT ON SKYSPORTS (and setanta)!!!


Youtubes -
MOTD Best goals of last season
Premier League years 98/99
Liverpool vs Newcastle Classic
did david villa join liverpool, or stays in his team?
hmm :( torres + villa were pretty good together, even thought spain SEEMS to have more goals without him, somehow
so manu is pretty much unbeatable in eng? i cant find liverpool too strong, but im not sure of their lineup too
i dont like chelsea
i dont like TOE
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i dont like TOE :DD
wat !? Chelsea rules.
they're just buying top players of the world for big €€€, co-op is not that good
Gokhan Inler is coming to Arsenal !

Somehow I think that Scolari will got sacked from Chelsea in December , C.Ronaldo will get caught naked in public and Sir Alex will kick him out.

Fulham& Liverpool will fail big time

I got same "Big Four" what I had in my yesterday evening journal
Although Portsmouth have a strong squad this year i think A.Villa will pose a bigger threat to the top 4 this year and even Spurs may finally have a decent year.
My prediction for this season's top 4

Manure/Arsenal will be to close to choose
seems like A.Villa is really going to impress this season (tbh they already did it on last season) and Tottenham will be flop like usually. Portsmouth dissapointed me really bad today :D ,I thought they would have even challenge against Chelsea.

After seeing all "Big Four" teams I have to agree with you that Chelsea is in strong position and they don't have that right back weakness anymore and they are already in really good fit.Arsenal falled in same thing like last season , they can't "kill" the game, even though they were more dominant side in comparsion with WBA. Newcastle was really good against MaNu and espicially their signings were good. Liverpool just suck or I just dislike their manager and I can't see them challenge for title this year either
dunno about spurs if they make another signing like maybe get arshavin in and fuck berbatov off they might pose a threat but who knows early doors yet and it usually takes a couple of games for teams to get into there strides either way should be a good season a just dont want manure to win the league or livershite to be in the top4 not much to ask for really is it? :P
I don't really think that Arshavin could chance everything ,since he was more than worse against Spain, first game where tempo were high. True about that Liverpool hopefully don't win the title , but still I can't agree the idea that Chelsea is winning since I am Arsenal fan :< ,MaNu is better than Chelsea ,but we will wait and see what is going to happen
I reckon chelsea will do well this season as much as i hate to admit it, not big phil but bosingwa and deco will do well.

alex ferguson is only a miserable shit because you cant be happy when chewing wriglys extra at 300mph. Saha will be injured all season and scholesy will break everyone in half again, all season.

arsenal have shit it, 6-8th result.

everyone who got promoted will go straight back down again when they realise how retarded they are.

Andy gray will still continue to be an utter tosser.

berbatov will be shit this season unless he moves to utd late on
fo! 6-8th? give it a rest xd
Will be fun watching chelsea win fuck all again.
never bet on premiership matches...
edit:Chelsea...the most stupid football club in football history
Tell me, who should I support.
Liverpool will suck this year , even Standard will own them!
liverpool will be better this year.
dam straight
Lol, they cant even score a penalty xDDDDD. Liverpool will crush them in anfield, np.
Manchester ftw !!
Cottbus starts in the season today. So who cares about the Premier League?! In spite of this fact, GO Chelsea!
lets hear out the anti-chelsea song
woei, arsenal starting off the campaign :D

1st arsenal
2nd man united
3rd chelski
4th fucking spurs im afraid :(
5th liverpool

villa, city portsmouth right behind
The gunners will never ever make it.
goaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 1-0 xd
Are u talking about the first match day or about the end of the season?
arsenal 1 - 0 WBA so far ;o
Man U
w/e u glory hunter :D
spurs you will do preety well they have a talented side.

liverpool will win jack shit.

man u will win the league once again but gut knocked out of the CL in the knockout stage.

chealsea will win the carling cup simply coz deco and bosingwa and big phil are there now.

P.S ronaldo will score 77 goals this season!
My fantasy team:

Gordon, Kiely

Richards, Terry, Vidic, Lescott, Evra

Nasri, Carrick, Barry, Petrov, Mascherano

Santa Cruz, Defoe, Nevland
You have some shite fantasies, right?
"Will chelsea win anything?"
MY fantasy team

Reina (Schwarzer)

Ferdinand Evra Carvalho A.Cole (Hunt)

Bentley Krancjar A.Young (De Ridder Barmby)

Yakubu Torres Bent
Cech (Given)

Richards Ferdinand Terry Carvalho Cole (Evra)

Nasri Fabregas Ballack(!!) Ashley Young Nani (Bentley)

Torres Drogba Berbatov (Tevez)
oh and my fantasy team:

Cech (Howard)

Clichy Ferdinand Richards Laursen (Dunne)

Bendtley (c)Nasri Modric Young A (Pienaar)

Bendtner Alves (Jo)
Premier League > *

but its getting ruined by Chelsea...
Instead of trying to improve players, they just by new ones... :|
"oh dear we lost by 2 points and 1 penalty...
we obv need a new manager and new players!"
its fuckin stupid, instead of developing players and gettin a good manager, chelsea just go and buy more players, spendin pathetic amounts of money...
and instead of letting players (& manager) gel as a team they just get a new manager and new players, and wonder why they're still not winning, fuckin ridiculous imo...
Hope Spurs will be up there fighting for the top 4 this season :>
i was alarmed but then i saw the youtubes
woei and there are our first 3 points!
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