eVGA 9800GTX

what do you think about this graphics card?

is it worth it? would you buy one?

wow runs great on it
8800 GTX imo , way cheaper , around same performance
i want the G92 chip
8800GTS 512MB if you want g92 and dont want ati
how much money you got?
dont waste ur money, always get stuff a little less than the latest technology, i.e. keep 1 step behind it, unless ur a rich mofo with millions to waste there is no point

spend the saved money on something that actually matters in ur life, or just save it
9 series isnt current technology, its the last nvidia chipset, and its abysmal :\
I heard that if I bought this card I can get 100fps in ET
Upgrading CPU makes all Quake3-engine based games perform faster then GPU upgrade.
Yeah I know that, was a bit of a joke since some people buy high-end computers and all they do is play ET :D
either get an 8800 or one of the new "10 series" cards

9 series are terrible for their price ;_;
10 series? you are future-dated.
huh, maybe they arent being dubbed the 10 series then... but i was refering to the 260/280

actually those suck too.. huh... i wonder what i was talking about

oh well, as much as i hate to say it (because their drivers suck balls), ati are winning the gpu war at the moment
ATI are/have brought out a new gcard that is supposed to smash the new nvidia cards and going for cheap ££ too. It's in this weeks micromart mag
what about a 4870/4850?
Just get hd4870

Great quality and and it's pretty cheap!
olol get 4870 ffs
9800gtx isn't bad and not so expensive but the 4850 4870 gives you a lot more bang for the bucks.
there is also an 9800gtx+ now that should be a little better then the 4850. but also more expensive.
I got the 4870 and i am well pleased with it although the rest of my computer sucks.

if you are going for the 9800gtx i would advise you to take the 4850.(although he heats up till 95°C :/ )
90°C or more*

the 4870 can be around 80°C but the 4850 gets alot more because it has a single slot cooler and the 4870 2 slot coolers

I know what I say, I have 2 hd 4850. It _nearly_ never exceeds 80°C. The temperature of the card has nothing to see with the size of the fan
what are you even talking about? :p
we all know size doesn't matter, i'm telling you 4850 = single slot cooler 4870 = double slot cooler.
did you even read a couple of reviews? or did you just random bought 2 cards?
and by telling this you conclude : "since the hd 4850 has a single slot cooler, it can't stagnate at 80° C", don't you? If you don't, I didn't understand what you want to say ^^.

and yes, i read many articles about them. Did you? Because buying HD 4870 is kinda stupid (that's my opinion). Or you want a good card with a lot of bang for bucks (HD 4850) or you want amazing perfs with a kinda good bang for bucks (HD 4850 CrossFire or HD 4870 x2 if you're rich).
ok, 15 years old. Says enough
No point in replying anymore
You're pathetic ;-)
accelero s1 rev 2 costs 15€.
just installed the cooler today + silent fan -> 45° load temp.

so actually i'd go for the HD4850 + accelero
uhu that is a good solution.
you can also wait for the salman 4850 that would be a lot less warm
I want a licking dog
take radeon
9800GTX+ is just to fill a gap in nVIDIA's pricing policy. Why not to get HD4870 what is a little bit expensive then the 9800GTX+, but performance is better then GT280-based cards ?
+ GDDR5 sounds so much cooler.
160€ for a 9800GTX or 380€ for a HD4870 ... you choose
132€ for 9800gtx and 220€ for hd4870 here. can't be that much there.
you're a lowlife liar .. show me links!! ..


brand new, ofcourse.

well 9800gtx's price was fucked. the follow-up counted 9800gt, too. so it's ->

175€ for 9800gtx http://www.kasuplan.com/puoti/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=GV-N98XP-512H-B

and 219e for powercolor and 227e for sapphire hd 4870
well those hd 4870 are still expensive here. the 1GB version, not those idiotic 512mb versions.
can you check if you can find a "ASUS EAH4870 TOP" in your country and tell me how expensive it is?
512mb 233€ and X2 2 Gt version 430€.
are u palying with a CRT? 1gb is pretty useless imo.
You do realise that a 1 GB GPU will leave you with only 1 GB of work memory right? Where as the 512 MB GPU will leave you with 1.5 GB work memory. unless you are editing a lot or draw or something along that line e.g doing something extremely GPU dependant, stick to the 512 :/ Or buy more memory :)
Since when does HD 4870 cost 380€?
get 666112 uber gtxgxgtfonP
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