How i can

share big files with my internet over the internetz? :<

:o how big?
:o thats quite big


dunno if thats any good man, just had a quick search ;(
you can like upload them
get superbig ftp / send in irc or something
Host your own ftp and share it with that, not the best solution if you want it to be shared with zeh internetz for liek all the time but if you just want to share it with your friends thats your best way.

Just download the Serv-U client and conf it up. It should be pretty straight forward, if you get any problems you can pm me and I will try to help you!
Also possible to PM you so that you upload some of your cheats?
low doesnt cheat...
Sigur, sssssssssssshh!
Come one come everyone and I'll demonstrate the vArgastic hax for free!
I've already seen it, and Im telling you everyone its worth every fucking penny.
If you want to be as pro as vargen call 548745-hax
why don't you cut your file in many part and upload them on a free ftp ?
if you want to share it with multiple people then create a torrent file for it
No, just for me
ftp is bad to save a file , in years the file could be dead.
wtf, ftp is just a transfer protocol
let a file a year, it is possible that the file be broken.
Quote by SqualliiiiI DONT HAVE FTP

Then get one!
run your own ftp or http server (with ports forwarded @ router) and you should be fine if you have a static ip

if you have a dynamic ip you will need something like
burn a dvd, mail it to him/her.
he/her will get it faster than you uploading these 5gb anyway.
use search weather there is already this file uploaded anywhere
sshfs and/or scp! :-)
ya mum is a 5gb file worth sharing hehehe
you could ask me nicely !

still got ~400Gb space left.
more than me :(

[meez@daedalus ~]$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 972404 227796 695212 25% /
/dev/sda5 4881504 1820368 3061136 38% /usr
/dev/sda7 377846208 8554512 369291696 3% /var
/dev/sda6 4881504 718088 4163416 15% /home
none 2008736 4 2008732 1% /tmp
[meez@daedalus ~]$

(2x 400gb @ RAID)
Use df -h, much easier to read :S
sry i only have 2x hosting with unlimited space and bandwidth :<
lick my balls
ICQ. Or I got some russian unlimited hosting which is 700Mb per file(full dl speed).
i hope you are gonna upload LOTR BFME 2, cus i need it!
".. go outside"
I wanted this end when i read the topic :-(
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