pc parts

finally have my money so i can have my upgrade. just wanna know if it's worth to buy this, or if there's something better (with the same price budget)

CPU : Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8400 € 149,-
Mainboard : Asus P5QL PRO € 79,-
Memory : GeiL 2 GB DDR2-800 Kit € 39,- *edited*
Graphics : Sapphire HD4850 € 149,- *edited*
Power supply : Cooler Master ExtremePower 460W € 49,- *edited*
Total: € 465,-

My current rig is really old, and has some damaged crap in it (graphics and power supply are broken, and rest is just way to old) so it really is time for an upgrade
Not worth it
why not a better graphic card ?
Sapphire HD4850 € 149,-
is the one that comes after this, not sure if that extra price is worth going over my budget
4850 is much better than the 3870...
sound good

my pc:

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 2.40 Ghz
4,00 GB RAM
NVidia GeForce 8800 GTX
Creative SB X-Fi
a perfect pc for a geek :D
nahhh :P just want to play all games on high quality
first of all dont buy asus ;d
if i were you i would cut a lil bit the ram, to 3 gb or 2.5 or even 2 and buy better graphic card like the 4850 :~>

good luck dualinity !!!
define into details why not ASUS plz cuz they are pretty good with intel chipsets. And about getting better graphic card than 4850... are you serious??
google for answer
nah i don't care for google, show me few examples why they are so bad if u can't tell me with your own words.
i can tell you in hebrew (my own words)
so google it for english
tell me what should i search for cuz i can't find anything fishy about ASUS
search deeper :D
ahh too lazy :S i don't have any complains about asus. it is true that i am using it for only two weeks but as far as i flew through reviews and stuff there wasn't anything special in negative way about their products. Only saw few bad things about gigabyte, not working correctly on lower HTs with Phenom. As i said in few journals b4 time will tell
useless shit
power supply :l
2x2gb memory

if you can do what you need to do with your old one, just keep it. no need for extra e-penis length
Take other Power supply
Try from Be Quiet, Tagan, Topower, Thermaltake, Zalman, Chieftec, Corsair
Radeon HD 4850
those power supplies are to pricy :/
i just want a decent price/quality
you won't get any quality from Trust
Power supply : Cooler Master ExtremePower 460W € 49,- *edited*
k now it seems more decent
they are, but it can save your PC ( rly ) CoolerMaster is quite good but I don't know how good is this model
Fortron / Chieftec are good quality budget PSU's. Look into those.
you seem to know enough,why ask?
Intel E8400
Corsair VX 550W
2GB 800mhz (cl4 if possible) dunno which brands are avi in your shop
4850 ftw!

about PSU's
1. Seasonic - fckin expensive but silent and powerfull
2. Corsair - really silent from mid range psus (i would recommend that) made by Seasonic
3. Enermax MODU82+
take another power supply: antec or corsair
get either a HD4870 with 512mb or a GeForce 260GTX instead of that gfx card.

i am also upgrading my gfx card and am pending between those 2 cards.
220€ gfx card for a 470€ rig? 4850 is totally enough nowadays. I can run crysis smoothly on high with E8200 & HD4850
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