Driving laws on your country

Hey dudes and etc.

Just want to ask following things because its interesting :p

Age needed for moped license:
Age needed for car licence:
Car licence cost:
Fastest speed allowed on highway:


Country:Finland Finland
Age needed for moped license: 15
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: about 1400? depends on city
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 120
Country: Germany Germany
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 17 (with parents)
Car licence cost: ~ 1400 in East Germany (West Germany is more expensive)
Fastest speed allowed on highway: no limit (on own risk)
Car licence cost in village: ~ 2000
Fastest speed allowed on highway: no limit

cant moped be 25ccm? so 15 is the age :O
oh, forgot that one. true :P
2000? with or without license to drive with car trailers more than 750 kg?
Why asking? Want to take your mom out for dinner?
without ! or i life in the expensivest village for driver licenses ever :(
XD in my village we have also a very expensive driving school, one of the expensivest in this region...BE for 2000 :o
u dont pay more than 1400€ here in west germany,.... only if you are a total idiot and fail the exams few times.
got some friends in munich, the one gurl paid around 2000€ for her license :s
munich aint west germany.... here where i live u pay around 1000-1200€
whatever zlol, for me thats the south though.... and i guess the prices are different everywhere anyway....

im saarland zB isses viel billiger als hier in rheinland pfalz und das is bei mir gleich nebenan....
west germany = old federal states
east germany = new federal states

okidoki? :D
ok i just asked a friend of mine, he recently got his license, he paid a total of 1125euro
lol but we drive on camals here since we are babies :(
the speed, well depends how much the camal drink :d
and it doesnt cost since we hunt them :O)
but if you buy one, then 7-8 chikans and 2 goats :D
camals chikans :DD
shut up :(
unlike your european cars, our camals have feelings =(
moped licence: dnno
car: 18
cost: ~ 500-600
highway: WAT?
no donkeys? :<
Age needed for moped license: 13
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: 400-500
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 130
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: about 1200
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 120
Country: Norway
Age needed for moped license: dunno ask the norwegians
Age needed for car licence: i think 18
Car licence cost: dunno ask the norwegians (i heard its about 15000 NOK ~ 2000 &#8364;)
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 100 km/h
Country: Belgium
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: dunno
Fastest speed allowed on highway: dunno 120-150 afaik
amaai 150, waar woonde gij? :D
buh , wij boeme da soms , dus kweget nei :P
you'll get a lot of 'pv's' in your mailbox :D
if you think you're allowed to drive more than 120 on the highway? I think you do ;)
Not allowed , but you can still drive that fast on the highway ! :D
Fastest speed allowed on highway: means, the highest speed you can drive without being busted by the cops
he doesn't understand it, don't mind trying to explain it to him
Age: 16 ( 11 August 1992 )

need more infoz? :D
QuoteIm not giving my laptop config so dont bother asking me :|

he's too pro ;p
yes , 120 = allowed and 150 is what my parents drive
So they are a danger for the safe drivers here in Belgium; if you still can find them.
not rly , people still pass us :X
That absolutely made no sense;
I'm just telling you, that the maximum speed limit is 120 km/h.

Belgium / Netherlands "Autosnelweg: kruisingsvrije weg voor snel gemotoriseerd verkeer met gescheiden rijbanen. De maximumsnelheid is in Nederland en België 120 km/h. In sommige landen mag harder worden gereden, terwijl in Duitsland op veel snelwegen geen maximumsnelheid bestaat." (DUTCH)
What I said did make sense tbh ...

Nobody gives a fuck :D
I do, if Belgium Sterchele didn't drive that fast, he wouldn't be dead now :)
It makes sense, and more than you think!
If they'd give a fuck they should never be able to pass us ...
You're trying to make a point of an 'OFF TOPIC' subject.
Btw, why should you drive 150 km/h in stead of 120? Because you are in a hurry? Bullshit.
Because it's faster ?
Why should you drive faster than is allowed? It is absolutely not tough.
ROFL , so you're saying 120km/h is faster than 150km/h ????

I'm saying: Why should you drive faster than allowed?
Im saying no one gives a shit whats allowed and whats not
Age needed for moped licensecar(50cc): imho no age limit yet
Age needed for car license: 18
Car licence cost: driving scool ~500-600, we have to pay to our goverment to get to the final exams at the Registration Center ~100.
Fastest speed allowed on highway: summer 110, winter 90
that winter limit is clever :p
Age needed for moped licensecar(50cc): under 14 : not allowed
14-16 : need license
over 16: don't need a license
Age needed for car license: 18 or 16 for beginners-license where an adult who already has a license sits in the passenger seat.
15 I think
110 but Im to cool for that
Age needed for moped license: 14 or 16 (I need some frenchies's help!)
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: ~1100 until high, very high
Fastest speed allowed on highway:: 90 / 110 / 130
Country: Netherlands
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: Depends on your talent!
Fastest speed allowed on highway:120
Country: image: 4copypb3
Age needed for moped license: 12
Age needed for car licence: 16
Car licence cost: 5000-6000e but money isnt really a problem for us
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 190km/h
Czech Republic
moped: 15
car: 18
cost: 2000+
speed: 130
Country: Greece
Age needed for moped license: 15, but Ive seen alot of 12year olds ride mopeds
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: ~700 +100 that you need to bribe
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 120
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: way too fucking much (around 1000€ which is insane here)
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 130 kmh
Age needed for moped license:16
Age needed for car licence:18
Car licence cost:<200
Fastest speed allowed on highway:130

btw starting driving school this week :D
Country: Belgium BELGIUM
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: I have absolutely no idea.
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 120!
Country: Wales
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 17
Car licence cost: Insurance? Expect about ~£2000 for male under the age of 22, less for female. But I'm on a business insurance so I can drive whatever car I feel like now
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 70mph but I've done 130 :P
Country: Ireland Ireland.
Age needed for moped license: 16.
Age needed for car licence: 17.
Car licence cost: Surely you mean insurance? Paying E700 a year at the moment, can be a lot more though.
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 120km/h.
i guess how much u have to pay for driving lessons etc and the license itself
Country: Hungary Hungary
Age needed for moped license: 14
Age needed for car licence: 17
Car licence cost: around 500-600€
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 130km/h
i lol at all the euros who now use kph
Country: Italy
Age needed for moped license: 14
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: 800
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 130

Age needed for moped license: 14
Age needed for car licence: 16 (temporary)
Car licence cost: dunno
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 110
Country: Norway Norway
Age needed for moped license: 16
Age needed for car licence: 18
Car licence cost: Somewhere between 15 and 20k NOK (1875+ euro). If you suck at driving you can spend a lot more. :)
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 100km/h
Age needed for moped license: 14
Age needed for car licence: 16 for a kiddie license
Car licence cost: its phr33l lulzzz
Fastest speed allowed on highway: 110
I payed £2600 for insurance
Btw is it possible for a dutchie to get his driverslicence in an other EU country?
no speedlimit on some highways here in germany = awesome! ;)
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