Movie Manager

I'm looking for a application to organise my tv-series/movies

- free/known crack for it

- auto information download (movie info/playtime/plot/image ..)

- has to be able to handle multiple CD's for 1 movie and not see it as seperate movie/file (avi split in 2 files etc)

- Able to handle TV-Series

Ive tried
* moviemanager (
-Cant handle multiple files & tv series .. movies split in 2 avis are seen as seperate files.
- Tv-Series episodes are all listed and no way to crop them together.

*Extreme Movie manager (
- Crack aint working for me
- too much unnecessary options
What about DVD shrink ?
windows media player
WMP for noobs!
i use xbmc on my xbox for this

i havent tried to windows port of xbmc, but the linux port ran smoothly, maybe try it :E
Sort it out Lazio, ffs
Did you know that downloading movies is illegal? Oh yeah i've forgot serbs like to do not legal stuff!
uploading movies is - downloading aint
Im not sure its always seen that way tbh :P
at the moment i have a fedora core 6 server-grade box in germany, gentoo as my dualboot here, and downstairs i have a debian lenny box mainly used for torrenting/mailserver

edit: forgot i have gentoox on my xbox too

xubuntu uses xfce right? I switched to that from fluxbox because there was some gtk annoyances with fluxbox, and i must say its my favorite DE at the moment

gentoo is great, "but with great power comes great responsibility" and by responsibilty I mean comes configs and a lot of compiling. It's a great OS when it's up and running but it is far from newb friendly, it really gave me a lot of respect for people who try linux from scratch :P

fedora core 6 is just a server... i haven't really done enough with it to say whether i prefer it or not. I don't really like the package manager (yum) in comparison to what gentoo/debian offer, but that could be just because im not used to it

i had a freebsd server before it, and i think i preferred that to linux servers :E, but it does have some drawbacks
mmm i think xfce is actually lightweight

i chose it over kde/gnome because of that very reason :E
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