Damn dutch and germans

Scooter tuning... I know that every dutch and german kid is into scooter tuning. Prove me wrong!
I don't have a scooter. You have been proven wrong.
lies, all lies
Its cool ;)
Only honest DUTCH kid. Everyone else is lying.
too much german and dutch in e-sport kill em all
I don't have a scooter. You have been proven wrong.
another lier :)
Proof me wrong then.
You're from Lagland, so your word means nothing.
i think everyone in italy has one^^
I don't have a scooter. You have been proven wrong.
Look at your flag, cunt!
QuoteI know that every dutch and german kid is into scooter tuning.
im german.
no wai you liar :<
wenn du meine clans anschaust würdest du es schon merken ;)
ich weiß,dass du nk3 bist du vogel :P
aber der fakt,dass du pole sein willst ist schon traurig \o/
und warum ?
weil du deine wurzeln verleugnest,aber kb das jetz weiter auszuführen
a german that want to be polish.... sad? :P
i just like poland more than germany :)
But youre lying ur flag, so u can be counted as lier, soz
i dont have a scooter..but i has a car, which is ways better
Grinding is worse imo
i got a traktor
I don't have a scooter,
car > bike > scooter
I've got a Rs50! But I'll have my drivers license in about 1 month.
dont see whats so special about them 3 hp vacuum cleaners. looks fagy, and goes nowhere.
I had a scooter 6 years ago, all I done was modified the exhaust just to get lil faster
I don't have a scooter. You have been proven wrong.
i hate scooters.. only for kiddies without a driver license :o
im not :D
scooters are for wnbees
I don't have a scooter either. You have been proven wrong again, pussyhole.
I hate scooters. Way too expensive and noisy, too bad the 'cool kids' think otherwise.
scooters are nice..especially if u are lazy
Though i dont have one :<
i dont listen to such a music, mhh..
Ask loekino.

He rides white and fucking nerday ;D
i got one for free 2 days ago, haven't got a licence or anything but it's fun to drive 50 sometimes :D
I don't have a scooter. You have been proven wrong.
I got one and it isn't tuned - might be because its faster than most of the other scooters though and I pretty much like the looks how it is atm. :).
n-i-g-g-e-r-s Black People.
Was never too interested in scooters :D waste of money tbh. Just buy a car <3
ive got a car!
i dont have a scooter and i must tell ya that scooters are overrated !
Never was, never will be. kkthx
car > scooter
Scooters are for gays.
In Estonia scooters are a must
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