Need an 4-5 gb of ftp space

Me and a very special Iranian friend need some 4-5 gb of ftp space to exchange demos >=D
If you give us one, we'll let you know about update of our very special movie.

Anything less than the 4-5 gigs will be appreciated too =)

Thanks in advance!

Ich:01:55:00: ich glaub viertel vor 2 uhr morgens is nich die zeit son journal zu öffnen
Er:01:55:18: kommt auf die zielgruppe an
Er:01:55:29: wie spät ist es jetzt in holland? 17:00?
Ich:01:55:35: :DDDD
anybody would be a fool not to take this offer
Indeed, will be the ET movie of 2008
hmm... i COULD give you it... but there doesnt seem much in it for me.
You're just lazy. It took less then a second to google find this for example

how long would you need it for?
Most likely only till tomorrow afternoon. Depends How long it takes for my mate to upload his stuff and me to download I suppose. =)
ok made you an account, check your pms.
You sir, are fucking brilliant, thank you! :)
The thing is that we see right now that it might take longer than expected, can we maybe have it a little longer? I'll pm you when we're done?
can let you have it until end of the week, but the account will auto suspend if you use over the quota so be careful ;)
It's just his upload and my download. 8000 mb might get close indeed ;)
nice effort :)
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