Help to Select Mouse?

So my 2 years old Deathadder called it a day some time ago and I need a new mouse now. I demand quite a much from the mouse and I've succeeded to range the possible new mouse within these mice:

Razer Deathadder 45 e + mail

+old and safe
+size and shape almost perfect for me
-quite expensive

Razer Diamondback 40 e + mail

+the sensor is old and safe

Razer Krait 35 e + mail

+cheaper than DB
+doesnt have annoying side buttons
-the sensor?!?!

Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optic 15 e?

-everything else sucks

Any recommendations/cons/tosses in these mice? What would you recommend?


Which mouse?
look at their shape if they fit your hand?
I know the shape of them all, I just cant decide which is good enough to spend so much money on.
after browsing some gamesites ive come to conclude the krait SUCKS.
love my diamondback but i dont playgames on my pc anymore :o

ps. i would buy the deathadder cus its only 5bucks more then the DB and it almost fits your shit perfectly....
Why do you need somebody else for help when you are saying that Deathadder is almost perfect for you ?
it's the most expensive and changes are refreshing after 2 years
And 1 other question? Its not only you.

But why do people always think that when something is cheap that it must suck.

I can tell you that wheel mouse optical feels much better then razer krait.

But if I had to pick 1 just go for some logitech mouse :) best choice imo

My mx510 (5 years old) Still pwnz ;)
I dont think it sucks just becouse of the price. I've tried many many many mouse during my life and the WMO/IMO is one of them. I dont like the buttons and the shape is also somewhat awkward to me. But the most annoying thing in wmo/imo/ms3.0 is the sensor... it really sucks donkey's balls, and as I said, my standarts are pretty high.
Mx518 would be an option if I liked the shape. I used mx510 a long time ago.
518 and 510 are almost the same imo ;)

But ya if you like razer then i would buy anything beside krait/cooperhead, because they suck
The diamondback is a really nice mouse, though they have pretty bad quality and breaks down easily (In my experience).
i'd go for da, the fit is perfect <3
There's also one more negative in DA, the sides... The material (plastic) aint that good on the sides of the mouse, making it slippery. Any other mouse would be easier to lift and move.
true but i almost dont sweat from the hands so it's ok for me :d

sup? haven't been playing lately?
life is up ;D

nah, been playing a bit of backup for every new clan hentai keeps making, and that's all the gaming i do lately. apart from a bit of dungeon siege 2 and jagged alliance 2 every now and again that is :O)

and you? still active in the ET and q3 scene?
still active and 'active' yes, life is up and girls are pretty :D my clan has become pretty inactive tho so I've been as inactive as my pals ;/

trying to put some quakelive in between those too tho gives me some activities :)
Well, seeing as the price difference between the Deathadder and the other options isn't really that big, I'd probably just get the DA if it really fits well.
DA without any doubt
buy the same mouse again (da) :)
Logitech MX 518 :-)
db if u need to pick one of those
G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5
mice are overrated.
sorry but mice was released around may 2007 so not really 2 years ;)
do not buy deathadder.. had one on last week.. that shit mouse had chance to be 2 days in my appartment. then i found a better place for it -> garbage
Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optic rly sucks i had it and after 2 month it stucks and stuff totally shit!
are you sure?
im loving my G5
have u actually tried WMO?
i prefer it over everything else ive tried
Yes I've tried it :)

I guess the wmo/imo is a mouse that you can just hate or love.
Unless you have a sensitivity lower than 1 meter for 360 or higher than 12cm for 360, the sensor of the WMO or other MS mice is good enough for that (running it on 500hz). You might have encounter problems though cause it does not have this prediction thingy the new mice have. (Means you can't draw a straight line with it)

For anything else you should get the DeathAdder or MX518. The DA got by FAR the best sensor on the market.
You're wrong or the both ms3.0 and wmo which I have tried in use were both broken. Have you ever tried to flick fast with any of those? It really causes some negative acceleration or in many case the skipping. The negative acceleration is acceptable in really high speeds but the skipping is not really welcome becouse. I dont like that my crosshair points towards the sky after fast turn.

They sell Diamondback these days with 3G sensor too, so the performance is the same with Deathadder.

I think I'm gonna turn to pick up DB just for the lulz.. change!
seems like uve tried the old version of wmo which has a terrible sensor
It was back then when they released the 'new' ms3.0 with 'superb' and 'awsome' sensor. I bought the ms3.0 then and sold it almost right after and tried my pals brand new wmo... I could have been old too but the ms3.0 atleast wasnt goodanuff :>
even the new sensor is pretty bad with 125hz (1m/s before neg accel) but u need to raise it to 250 (1,5m/s before neg accel) or more then i cant notice neg accel even in et with lowsens
I have used the 3.0 for several years and switched 1,5 years ago to the IMO 1.1 (same sensor). With the 3.0 I used a ridiculous low sens (~60 cm/360) and I never ever had skipping issues or negative accel with 500hz (you do have neg accel with only 125hz though). The 1.1 is not showing any sign of it as well. Used it on 16cm for a 360 and lately changed to 12 cm. No skipping at all. Not on an icemat, not on some rubbish cloth pads, qpads or metal pads.

You seem to be one of the only ones having problems with it though, looking at the amount of ppl using the WMO, IME or IMO. :-)
Hehe, and all these guys who love MS mice seem to be the ones who have been using them for ages... coincidence? ;)
And still they do not notice any skipping or negative accel, even when they tried out tons of different mice.

Are you sure you have used them with 500hz and 6/11 Windows sensitivity etc?

And if you honestly think that all the other mice suck, you should just get the DA again. The DB 3G got problems with drivers causing accel someone said.
Yes, I'm quite sure about the settings :D

The difference between the mice are pretty hard to notice just like that by that, especially when you have been playing with the same mouse for ages and know how it works. But I couldnt play without skipping with MS mice without skipping on 450 / 55 cm sensitivity.

I just ordered the Diamondback, the major point was the plastic material on sides of the Deathadder. Plastic makes mouse slippery and difficult to move around.

I dont care much about the complaints becouse there are a lots of complaints about Deathadder too, still it worked fine for me.
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