How did u get into et?

How did u get into et and how ur career started? :D

My mate said that et is great game and i downloaded it. I hadnt no experience of fps games (just bought pc). Then we played some etpubs with him and some more mates. We had -hf- (horror fighters) pub clan :p. At today im the only one from that group who is playing :<
Ramin and some friends pretty much introduced me back into it at a Lan.
some pc magazine
England Cupper was playing 2.55 and I thought I'd have a go
played rtcw single player and then i got internet
i downloaded the map test (which featured fueldump only) from 1 hour after it came out=)
same for me, since i was a q3 player and only played rtcw demo i was pretty excited of getitng another teambased egoshooter on top of q3 engine, i wasnt wrong :D
i used to play rainbow six 3 that time =) but @ public only.
2003, spree introduced me, said it was a free fps game. I sucked at it from the beginning so I just decided it would be easier to buy a bot. And tadam!!! Here I am.
some guy from a game called Empires: Dawn of the Modern World told me about ET

so i downloaded it, and played for 6 months straight before i heard there was a patch :<<<

was nice cos when i did patch, i played with the same guy in his team just because i knew him. They were #23 in clanbase, (quite an achievement 3-4 years ago) even though i struggled to get like 20% accuracy :DDD
Was watchin a programme called Gamesville on Sky 1 TV in the UK. In one feature, they showed free games and this was one. So i followed the website link and got hooked.
from PC magazine , et was on cover CD
2 weeks ago?:D
Due to schoolmates
i started playing with rtcw demo online
then i moved to rtcw singleplayer
then again back to rtcw online and
finally to enemy territory which a friend showed me
After the opening of a new computer suite in my town they were looking for games to play, and ET demo was out so we installed that, then upgraded the game as it progressed. Held many local LANs there, my first clan was formed there etc.
After playing for a while I decided to buy my own computer for games (geforce 5200 and some random cpu) then started playing publics. Got into a clan and met a few guys from over sea (Bulgaria mirage and Bulgaria vesselin) CLAN PAGE olol
Got into ETPro from there on and here I am :c
saw a preview in a pc game magazine and got interested, later got demo from their CD and played that 2-3 times on 28.8k, later player it like 5-6 times for about 30 mins each time in mid 2004 and started pubbing when I got ADSL
in 2004 or so, I just found this from some random site and decided to try it...and here i am :D
Some forum had a topic about it some 4-5 years ago. At first I neglected it since I think it wasn't much, but after some months when they kept on talking about it I downloaded it. Started playing public, getting as much XP as possible was my goal.
back in may 2005, a friend of mine introduced me to it
nicker introduced it to my in march 2007 at school
tijd gaat snel
my classmates played ET for a while and asked us if we wanted to create a class team. I accepted and i'm the only one left on this game.
When it was released, I was playing CS in ALIS, then one of other members who was also playing a bit of RTCW, said that ET was released and it was for free. So basically I played it from release date and we quickly got a team going in ALIS.
I was playing SoF2 before i started with ET. I worked at a pizza delivery service at the time and had a conversation with some dude there and he said that ET was fuckin awesome so i downloaded it started to play and gone was my life =>
My sisters boyfriend introduced me to rtcw in december 2001. I played sniper a bit on mp_beach, and then he said they were gonna form a clan with some of his friends, and he asked if I wanted to play aswell. Eventually moved to ET when I felt rtcw wasn't giiving anything anymore.
Belgium TDS.LuckyLIX
Ik dooor TDS|MrGio
i went to some friend after school some years ago, he had a clan called "senseless-esports" and roistot was playing under them so i saw those guys playing and thought bling bling bling thats nice i will try :)
classmates told me to download it, we started KKC the day after I downloaded ET.

soon after some retard named Rhand joined us and we became pro's :D
a game site introduced ET, and now im playing ET for 10 years already.
was checking some random game CD's and saw the game on it! tried it once, then went to Netherlands Monte and started playing with him! and introduced Netherlands Skynz too!.
my mate gumer played rtcw and showed me the et demo...

after i got my own pc i started playing it(when the full version swas released for free)
After playing rtcw i moved to ET
and still failed :D
from a pc magazine
i think i found it in 2004 when i registered on my first internet forum :o)

but i only started playing it on 2006 several months after getting adsl. i only pubbed till 2007 then i stopped playing online and then after the summer of 2007 i started playing cs 1.6.

i don't think i'll play it again :o
i found it in my hack's folder which i bought from netcoders so i gave it a try
someone messaged me on AIM and said "this game just got released, have you tried it"

and then I downloaded it :P

was about a month after it's initial release
pfft newschooler!
back in 2007 (:D) moff introduced me to ET and it was love at the first sight.. I had just bought me a laptop (my first computa) and i hadn't played any FPS games except HL2 for about 2 months, so ET was nice to start.. Played almost for a year in etpub mod in the same server :D
Tried it on my friends PC :D I think the year was 2005... Played with pistol on Railgun :o) Started playing it much later tho.
rtcw forced me into ET altho i didnt want to switch, the original was just dying badly and it was the only place to go.

et is now dead anyway so *meh*
Hiya slasheh babez
littlebrother n cousin
I guess it was also your little brother who got busted for cheating while he was using your PC.
just found it, downloaded it, started to play.
i played it at my nephews house some day, then my old pc was stolen and we got new one. and half year later we had finally adsl internet so i wanted to play some game online. I downloaded it and played it for a while (with a ball mouse) i totally sucked. :D

So i sucked in it and for the next 6 months i played some random single player games, then we bought a cheap infrared mouse and i went back to et and i played better because of the mouse. I joined some random public dutch clan (r2d) and i played for a long time with them (they even made me go to 2.6b
My friend played it alot with hes dad xD I was @ hes house sometimes and played it, i thought i sucked badly then i gt a computer and downloaded it got better and thought it was funnie
Netherlands Ness showed me the game and after 5 years I'm still playing it -_-.
Somethings wrong with me :(.
My brother showed it to me like 4-5years ago.
pff back in 2002/3 a classmate of mine said it was a nice game and that i should try it and since it was free i looked it up. Wasted some time playing and an older version for about a half a year or a little more and then finally updated xDD joined a clan got pad+propermouse and been playing eversince.
browsed a gaming related site or smth, saw it was 2nd top downloaded so i had a go at it.
i saw some guys @ polish skateforum playin et so i decided to play with them :d (2006)
i played rtcw online. after quitting it a few month later my oncle was a leader of a ET-team, after some time i got et and played it 1st time public, was rly nice enjoyed it and here i am!
Someone posted it on a theme park community and proposed some games to play against each other.
friend showed it to me, few days after the release.

my first frag with my m8 on public was done as covert ops with the sniper at the side bunker. me was allies! :D
I was dragged into it by some friends and i started playing :D
my brother played it
Mate played it. First time I played a game online (except for chess!). Than I bough pc and had internet so started playing!
i could blame Finland weedy. thx for ruining my life...moron
When the first free bot was able to download for ET.
Was playing RTCW before and was on planetwolfenstein quite alot and saw it there one day. Had to stand in line on fileplanet for like 3 hours before I could download it:(
me and a friend downloaded it at same time to play after his cousin told us it was a good game in 2003/4
brother introduced me <:o)
Played Red Faction 1 a teammate told me about et after it has been released 1 week later ive downloaded it and started to play it a while then we made our first team where weve took gifty also inside
Polandhavoc :<
Saw it in a finnish forum 1 day after a release, been playing it since
Moved from RtCW. Nobs like Roistot dominating the scene -- what an easy takeover, right? Unfortunately they were slightly better in ET than in RtCW. The Killer Bunnies' world domination was aborted.
well i tried out this game at a friends house, his name is Sweden fredrik & his friend Sweden wizzel at an by then known public server called "kings of the fields" @ 2.55
TKB Domination is pending!
found it while searching free games on google 3 years ago
Somewhere in 2004 I finally got a PC which could handle some games (duron 1600, gf2 xD) so I asked around for some free games, Spankydroid (spNk) told me about ET, he was already playing it with a clan (for fun) so I kinda hopped in there :>
I was getting bored of CS in summer 2003 and my friend told me about a new free multiplayer game.
hmm about 4 years ago, a friend told me to download it, and i played 2.55 for about 1 year :D

fuck 'LrF

anyway, then i moved to 2.60 as everyone did

then israeli community

then i bought some HARD-DISK with nex @ YAWN (from march 2007)

then i got banned from BIO but im 2noob4hacks..

Was in a few RTCW American clans who went on to do well in ET but I never followed them into ET at first. Didn't have the time and didn't want to stop playin RTCW but eventually I got into ET.
When ET came out, my friend decided to test it on a LAN. So we played it and I didn't get straight into it, but started playing on publics every now and then. And later found out about some nice pubs and regulars who always played there and became one myself. Some time after that we put together a pub team which we a year after logged on cb as well...
ah the old days :)
when i was playing liveforspeed someone was like LOL HAV U SIN ENIMI TERETORIEZ ITS SO COOOOL and i downloaded it and etc etc
conan told me to download it a few years ago, started with him the well known
mate got it in a pc mag, stuck it on my pc and went on from there
Same here
Some free games download site, most games were demos except ET, though ET was beta back then.
rtcw...then lan at friends bd party on 10th Oct 2003, with beamers from work 1st and best experience with this shite game!
WTF!... your best experience is with me you bitch!

if someone would pmme vent details i might actually get to talk to you tonight.
friend introduced me to rtcw mp and later also to et which i strongly disliked at first
actually i didnt even have an internet connection or decent pc so i got one just to play rtcw / et :D
Some guy in my street gave me a CD with ET on it right after we had inet here
tell me more!
Belgium Jere, Gero & pr!nz! <3
after ut99 my dad introduced me :p
my friends forced me , after some home lans
blame Froston !
FinlandVanhaomena mentioned me the game when I asked if there is any good and free games :D
I started playing RTcW just because i liked the first wolfenstien game, which my isp hosted servers. then they started hosting servers for ET so my brother downloaded it and i played it!
When it was released, me and my friends had become tired of playing MoH:AA so my friend heard that this free game had just been released today. So we downloaded it and played it for just over a couple of years.
When firstly I got internet my said that there are a lot of nice games @ inet which we could play, and he said that he plays ET, he gave me the downloadlink.
He's name was Hungary read
rezhni showed me my first cheat and i was instantly addicted
bought new pc & connection(2004) and I asked from my friend (cs nerd) about some free mp games..then told me to dl this shit so I did.
first try @ school -> own computer -> BB
downloaded 100 of demo's when i had internet and saw wolfenstein enemy territory @ free fulll game on and installed it, first map was fueldump and got killed by tank 1000x my first name was lordfolkert:D after that bandofbrothers2 and my brother had bandofbrothers1 and played always on the same server for a long time, skill went up and everyone asked: are you guys a clan?, and about a month later i joined my first clan, but died and clanhopped like 1000 times then i met tymo, and aureon and more niggers played with them a long time, the rest i dont know, tymo joined a other team with some niggers and some other players and he came back to my team played with him for like 3 years, we made a clan called diamond, owned everyone ofc! then we died and after a month again we made a clan then kadir and ovie joined us and someother pwners and owned everything crazy hax style

played 24/7 @ clanbase that was still cool back then







met some nice dudes: kadir,3qual,aureon,tymo,ovie,vixor, lexus mystify whole lot of other ppl<3

fuck it im 2 oldskool to remember
friend introduced me
my nevue got me into RtCW and that's how I got to know ET aswell
ur just like ur brother !
maybe that's because we have the same nephew =DDDDD
long time no see btw, still euning ze ET scene?
some random 2.55 pubber (my ex-boyfriend) was playing all time. So I started...
was playing vietcong before i started with ET, my brother told me to play this game ;x
i was drunk so i don't quite remember how was it, but next day i woke up et was on my hdd
A friend that played rtcw for the start on and when i got internet told me to play et.

After 2 weeks i was better then him who played for like 3 years allready after some month he quited :O
blame Slovenia Carniee !!!!!!!!!!!!!
a friend showed me the game
in a german forum we were discussing which game we should play for fun. since we couldn't agree on a game (some ppl always had to buy it) we decided to play ET. so we started to play ET on publics with 6 standard maps only.
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