drivers ;x

are there any alternative drivers for Radeon HD4850 or im forced to use Catalyst Control Center ?
dl only the driver package
It's not a driver, it's a Control Center as the name implies.

ATI Tray Tools is in Beta now, you could check that out. BUT the CCC is good, what problems have you encountered?
its not really a big problem i just have on maxfps 125 around 121-124 fps and on max 76 around 70-75 fps and i think thats might be it
What drivers are you using?
ask perfo
omega drivers
azrael got new computer? :D
The official driver of ATI is stable, but influence the performance in a bad way compared to the alternatives. Omega + ati tool should increase the performance (dna drivers are an alternative, but I think omega > dna). But it's quite normal to have drops of 1-5 fps to your maxfps value.
yea there is, g-extreme have really good fps, depending on the graphicscard you could get 50+ fps boost
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