Iron > cook

This was on dragons den if anyone watched it last night,

check the link its not bad :s
now im hungry :(
could you pls post even more retarded link?
mum is still cooking right?
haha, grow up and cook for yourself, its nice
where the fuck it says i cant cook? i will take time for you now.

my parents are working all day.i also have a lil brother. i am cooking since i was 12 for me and my brother every day. in all those years i am sure i can cook ALOT more things than you do.

so dont say to me to "grow up" beacous you know shit about me.

edit: this year when i was going to first year of high school i didnt cook so much anymore cuz my parents changed a job, but belive me i know ALOT about cooking
so why dont you value this link then? even if you had tried this, you'd know that ironing actually is quite different than with grill or oven for example.
i was eating this for my birthday. so that is 6 days ago.
also i think this link is not for a gaming site, dont you think so?
its a random journal... so what someone already said, grow up
why are you saying this now? u see i am right... i guess
errr 70% of the journals aren't related to gaming
Crossfire 3.0 - What's cooking? - powered by
The forums are gaming related - journals, bonum commune communitatis...
sounds reasonable
thanks for the essay :)
u might aswell calm down ur not making sense :X why the hell do u care whether the link is interesting/retarded as if u have anything better to do, obviously not judging from the kind of replies u come up with
becous there is so many journals with the link to video..
they make a journal just for a fucking video... in my opinion journal should be made for something that happen to you/me/anyone + described in interesting way
you're absolutely right im so very sorry
could be useful, bookmarked i guess

so hungry though, you are lucky i just put food in the oven
i have seen it all now!
quite cool :P i'd be as hungry as the others if i hadn't just eaten ^_^
ur not like the others your special... only cause ur an admin
hm nice but all i need to survive is a pan eggs and alot of butter hmm :)
seeen it on DD :D
you could just use the oven though...
Lol that's quite a technique. I doubt that steam "cooked" food is as good as oven-made.
crap im hungry.
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