Caps for topic!

i need cod4 class script. i need change assault to specop to sniper etc.
bind f11 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:ak47;openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:flash_grenade;openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle;say_team ^0Ak47"


or smth like //class script

// assoult cycle
seta m4 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:m4; set ass_cyc vstr ak; ^1m4"
seta ak "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:ak47; set ass_cyc vstr m16; ^1ak"
seta m16 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:m16; set ass_cyc vstr g36c; ^1m16"
seta g36c "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:g36c; set ass_cyc vstr g3; ^16c"
seta g3 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:g3; set ass_cyc vstr m4; ^1g3"
seta ass_cyc "vstr ak"
bind f5 "vstr ass_cyc"

// specops cycle
seta mp5 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:mp5; set ops_cyc vstr 74u; ^1mp5"
seta 74u "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:ak74u; set ops_cyc vstr mp5; ^174u"
seta ops_cyc "vstr mp5"
bind f8 "vstr ops_cyc"

// pistol cycle
seta deagle "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle; set pist_cyc vstr usp; ^1deagle"
seta usp "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:usp; set pist_cyc vstr deagle; ^1usp"
seta pist_cyc "vstr deagle"
bind f6 "vstr pist_cyc"

// nade cycle
seta flash "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:flash_grenade; set nade_cyc vstr smoke; ^1flash"
seta smoke "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:smoke_grenade; set nade_cyc vstr flash; ^1smoke"
seta nade_cyc "vstr flash"
bind f7 "vstr nade_cyc"

// perk3 cycle
seta impact "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk3:specialty_bulletpenetration;set perk3_cyc vstr run; ^1impact"
seta run "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk3:specialty_longersprint; set perk3_cyc vstr impact; ^1sprint"
seta perk3_cyc "vstr impact"
bind f10 "vstr perk3_cyc"

// attach cycle
seta dot "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:assault:reflex; set att_cyc vstr silence; ^1att-reddot; "
seta silence "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:assault:silencer; set att_cyc vstr none; ^1att-silencer"
seta none "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:assault:none; set att_cyc vstr dot; ^1att-none; "
seta att_cyc "vstr dot"
bind f9 "vstr att_cyc"

// perk2 cycle
seta damage "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk2:specialty_bulletdamage;set perk2_cyc vstr sleight; ^1damage"
seta sleight "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk:specialty_fastreload; set perk2_cyc vstr damage; ^1reload"
seta perk2_cyc "vstr damage"
bind f11 "vstr perk2_cyc"
mut jos mul on assault ja haluan mp5 niin toimiiko tuo silloin ?
Yes, my lord
i tried it but it wont work, it change weapon but i cant change example sniper to ak. it only change same class weapons. i wanna change class :(
aaahh ok

I'll try something tomorrow going sleep now..
pmme @ irc if you get it working
start -> chooseclass -> A button.
ak47/m4! ftw ;[ is there a different sensitivity value for "ironsight" aiming? if there is what is ze command? :S any online config builders? (i don't believe in this config thing in cod4 but i could try)
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