
Hello dear communi(stic)ty

Could anybody explain to me how Hamachi mess with guids? I heard sum word on da street tellin' it does, but i dno what this is about. Last few days i playd a lot warcraft3 with m8s and don't know what to expect of Hamachi usage.

image: 1465572281_6f8c99c7c9
first, no idea
It doesn't affect your guid at all.

Well it didn't affect mine, like 3 times now so..
80% that it will change your etpro guid
if you see some new 1week-guid talent @ cb - that's me @ hamachi :DDDDDDd!
Hamachi seems to create a virtual motherboard... that's why it sometimes changes (considering that the ETProguid is defined on the hardware)

correct me if i'm wrong
not a virtual motherboard. it creates a virtual network. A guid will also change if you'll have a new router or a modem but it will not change if you'll get a new printer or a new mouse or whaever :c

but printer & mouse != hardware :e
printer and mouse are hardware
Well, yes but... imagine you have a new guid every time you have a new mouse. Basically, yes, it's hardware, but it's getting called peripherals, isn't it?
peripherals = hardware. why should your guid change when you change your mouse? your guid doesn't change when you change any hardware, it changes when you change HDD / LAN card
It also may changes when you get a new cm, a new cpu or sometimes with a new gfx..!
no, it doesn't. it changes with the motherboard if your LAN card is integrated, it 100% won't change with the gfx or cpu.
I just got a new mobo with onboard lan, and nothing changed with my guids.
ye, cause you didnt change HDD i guess.
Quoteit changes with the motherboard if your LAN card is integrated,
I didnt change hd indeed, but the quote is not correct.
i installed new drivers and etpro guid changed
i installed firefox and guid changed, i dont care
Printer and mices are actually just accessories and therefore not seen as computer hardware.
they're still hardware. you're confusing the fact that hardware isn't only inside of your PC, your monitor, etc, is hardware. or do you think it's software?
Middleware tbfh
no i'm not confusing it with anything. Its accessories and not hardware. A mice is a mice and not a computer hardware and the electronics etc inside the mice is mice-hardware. The monitor, mouse or printer has nothing to do with the computer itself and therefore is not is not accepted as computer hardware.
Computer hardware is the physical part of a computer, including its digital circuitry, as distinguished from the computer software that executes within the hardware.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_hardware

In addition, hardware devices can include external components of a computer system. (i e. a mice)

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_hardware

I WIN! Now I'm off to be mentaly disabled again!
it is (kinda), don't tell me that it's software lol
so hamachi creates a network adapter, which will be mentioned in WINDOWS as a new hardware component > new guid. But it's kinda strange, why my GUID doesn't change while turning on hamachi...
well, I don't know the whole secret :P
Well, maybe you're lucky! :P
Not to be pedant or so but more an addition to you. I think hamachi creates a virtual network-card which acts as a bridge (just forwarding trafic in both directions) between the physical network-card and the software. ETPro creates the player guid out of HDD-ID and sometimes MAC-address and finds the virtual network-card MAC and whoop new guid :)
tworzy cos jakby sztucznom sweetashnom siec. taki wnb lan ze wsi. a nie ffiem czemu zmienia guid.
my guid never changed due to hamachi... some might
whats this hamachi thingie?
virtual LAN :D
nice tool 2 play 'old games' supporting LAN-Gaming, but no gaming over I-net :)

NOT working, if 2 ppl behind a router and want 2 connect 2 another player.

2 Players on router:
- 1 person starts hamtchi and start the Gameserver
- 2nd person use 192.168.x.x 4 direct connect (NO HAMATCHI on this PC !!!)
- freinds can connect 2 the Gameserver by using this 5.x.x.x IP (hamatchi-network)

2 Players on 1 Router CAN NOT CONNECT 2 other Gameserver, coz U got no connect via Hamatchi with 2 or more PCs from 1 'basic-IP' ;)

btw: never got prbs with hamatchi and guid
seems rather complicated:x
it isnt.. hamachi does only a virtual network..

but what pzyq want to explain is.. if 2 pcs in 1 router.. they cant connect both over hamachi.. that means that one of them have to create a server.. and the other pc connect via lan.. not via hamachi.. and the rest connect via hamachi
is very simple !

what i wrote was a tricky situation, if U got 2 or more Player/s in 1 room. using 1 connection ;)

I got 3 PC's here and when we want 2 play with 2 or more ppl over hamatchi, 1 of us need 2 open the Gameserver.
The other/s with same connection need 2 connect 2 the game by LAN-IP ! (192.16.x.x)
All other Players using hamachi virtual-IP (5.x.x.x) 2 connect 2 the gameserver.

! ! ! ->
If U want 2 play with Ur friends and they got all there own connection (sitting all @ home), U can create a hamchi virtual-network and the 'created hamachi-IP' 4 each other is the IP, U need 2 connect 2 the gameserver.

sry 4 my bad english n bad english explaning :/
image: 1465572281_6f8c99c7c9

How strange you put Hemmer time aka me + Flamma when we used Hamatachi before too! I think it changed my Guid also!
flammas guid changed cause of that too :p

but all i wanted to tell was you crying out loud: HEMMERTIME HEMMERTIME ITS HEMMERTIME :D :P
Look below I even prooved im the Real Hemmer Time
have used it a long time and never changed my guid
yes, that bloody thing changed my guid couple times, the solution is to disable it from network connections menu after closing it
my guid changed when i played with it :x
it doesn't change your guid!
Omg thats what did it! I was wondering how my etpro guid changed!
etpro guid is calculated based on your network settings, hamachi makes virtual networks which supercede the physical one and so etpro guid changes
i tried it, didnt work for me :'(
all depends on your NIC and how robust its settings are

mine for example, is about as potent as a bit of floppy mozarella!
it changed mine!
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