The self pity sessions

Dear diary,
I'm going to try to get back to the very meaning of 'journal' and share some of my life with you. Yesterday night we were at a friends house where we got pretty loaded and I ended up vomiting into a flower tub of hers. I didn't tell her yet and I don't think I'm ever going to because I cleaned up that little mess and removed all clues hinting at me. Even if she knew I don't think I had much to lose because I herd the feelings that she doesn't really like me and thinks I'm a big loser. Literally. But I just don't give a fuck like I never really did and what will get me into big trouble one day I suppose. To continue my little story and not end up in memoires full of self-pity and I want to tell you that I was invited to another friends house to watch the Germany - Belgium game tonight but I din't go because I was pretty tired from my puking sessions last night but now I kinda regret it because it's quarter past 2 and I'm not in a sleeping mood at all. There's a variety of fun shit I could be doing like creeping up the fit bird I know from work or watch the DVD screener of You Don't Mess With The Zohan I just downloaded but nothing feels as right as just sitting here browsing through the web listening to slow indie music foonr unknowingly made me listen to like The Decemberists and other nice stuff but I know that this will get me nowhere either.

I hope I didn't bore you too much (if there are any readers after all lol) and I want to say good night to you in case I'll go to sleep any time soon.
QuoteI hope I didn't bore you too much

If this journal is still here tomorrow and Big brother and the Olympics are not on tv then I maybe I will read ........

Sleep well in your room in case you go to sleep any time soon :)
BB is 24/7 no? btw, the Israeli BB will start in about a week, the first season, is it good? I mean, the show in general
No idea if its 24/7?

I can ask my wife if you want to know :)?
well.. on the show's comercial, it says its 24/7, not on T.V. but you can always go to their website and watch it 24/7 and it's all live no video editing so sounds cool but I dont see the point like spectating 14 people for like 6months or what ever to see what they are doing..
it gets boring right after the 9th series..
You have been speaking to my wife!!?
no, I just wanted to emphasize that they really do make too many series of it.
I must admit, I did watch the 1st 1 or 2 but after that ........
ye buy the anti3 from Loekino it will make u feel cool
Or buy a link from me which contains a copy of a superknown players anti3 software :{
image: aeut8w

omg it works !

Press Click in ze window and press CRTL-C> los los !
lool, i hope it'll looks better :x
It's not like you have to drink every given day, and every day is a possibility to meet the girl of your life so don't take it too seriously. Just move on and take it easy while keeping your eyes open.
I think you have mistaken the point of the girl-story :D I don't fancy her if you thought of that lol
So when do u sleep?
to long to read :s
You could edit the journal to more crossfire-friendly version. Just say: "I have hangover.". It kinda summons everything up.
nest time puke in her ignorant face with klonten!
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