Hay guys

I was wondering if you guys have any experience of wireless headphones and if you do, which one would you recommend to buy?

Thank you!

I was thinking sennheiser rs-110
Well, I have some experiences with Philips and Sony wireless Headphones for £250. There is a big quality lost because of the wireless technology and in same cases even total signal loose. That's why I like my Sennheiser PC350 and Sennheiser HD555 much better than any wireless crap headphones.

I wouldn't recommend you any wireless headphones.

For Home Entertainment take the Sennheiser HD555 or HD595.
For Gaming take the Sennheiser PC161 or PC350.
For Journeys (also with a noise canceling option) take the Sennheiser PXC350 or PXC450.
the pc350 look like a bondage item....
what do you actually mean with "bondage"?
like.. sexual bondage?

whips and shit..

bet its good -just fuck ugly.
well, in my opinion they just look great. I can understand that someone don't like the design of this headphones, even if the most guys saying it's fantastic. When you don't like this design, what do you actually like? Creative with they ugly Fatal1ty Headset or wtf?
QuoteThat's why I like my Sennheiser PC350 and Sennheiser HD555 much better than any wireless crap headphones.

QuoteFor Home Entertainment take the Sennheiser HD555 or HD595.

Sennheiser HD555 and HD595 are kinda the same, even if I like the HD595 a bit more, but it's two times more expensive then the HD555 one. :<
Well the point was, i want wireless thing :(
well, I'm just telling you that you can expect a lot of trouble, even with the most expensive wireless headphones. :<
Well you are the one to blame then!
why me your zeh sexy biatch? :}D
Cos you are telling things u do not know!
there awful
You work for Sennheiser or something, lol? There are much better options in all of the categories you suggested.
And those are?
of cause they are...

For Gaming take the Creative Fatal1ty (crap) or SteelSeries 3H (shit).

I had many Headsets, and the best are the ones made by Sennheiser. well, Beyerdynamics, and AKG have very good headphones ass well, I just like the Sennheiser ones more.

and I wasn't telling him about Extreme High-end like this ones: http://www.headphone.com/guide/by-application/audiophiles/the-extreme-high-end/
varo ettei naapuri varasta signaalia
i had wireless once was some more or less cheap "Vivanco"...
dont buy wireless they suck.

edit: its sometimes like, you turn your head a bit and than u can hear strange noise and things like that, i wouldnt recomend it at all, i gues u will never hear "real" silence
dont get wireless ;p
wireless sucks
order the best headsets at ---> http://www.perfectworld.com.my/
i would recommenc the fucking bullshit fucker from hell, its a food one
why the fuck haven't they still banned you, retard
i think wire less has some delay
I bought a sennheiser RS 130 some months ago. Expected more from it to be honest. A good wireless headset costs easily +200 euros.
Whats wrong with that one then :o
Sound quality is only good if you stay close to the docking station. 2 walls in between sender/receiver and it ends up in a crackling sound :(
If you want a good long range wireless headset, it'll cost you a fortune I guess :)

Now, I only use it to listen some music when i'm already in bed and don't want to disturb my parents. For such things the quality is "OK" because the sender is in the same room
Bleh, then you need to buy some thing that can boost the signal :D

And ye, i was gonna use it for same purpose so I think that would be good enough for me :p
well, if you want to use the headphones in the same room, you can take them...
Age: 25 ( 27 January 1983 )

Still living with your parents? :o
I can do what I want, don't have a gf at the moment and hiring/buying a house/app is pretty expensive nowadays in Belgium. I don't have any problems with my parents and I can save a lot more money because I don't have to pay for food or any bills... so why not?
Independency and privacy > all those things imo :P
You don't have privacy when living with your parents?
Soo.. Why did you say privacy, u make sense none.
Well yea you are right, I have privacy in my own room, so maybe I live here till Im forty
At the moment i prefer money saving over being independent and having full privacy. But again... that's just me and it can change quickly :)
buy some cheap thing for 10 euros so u won't get mad if it breaks...
this is how i do it:P
killed like 20 headphones already...
Well i've only broken one expensive headset after that i've been very cautious with them :d
i am taking a good care aswell and their cables still break... i guess i just wear them out lol.
vittu Squalliiii zLOL

dont buy wireless :(
if its fall, nothing will stop it from reach the floor :D
Dont buy wireless. It doesnt work.
I don't like wireless hardware such as keyboards, mice and headphones :{
I used to have a pair of wireless headphones for general use etc but they were shit compared to my speedlink medusa :{D
Don't buy wireless, atleast not for gaming it's oke for watching TV / listening radio
i had wireless .. its suck.
i dont have that kind of experience
The BOSE wireless headphones appear to sell well
Selling well and being good isnt same thing :<
sometimes they are!
Lies, but cant find any of those, link me!
yeah i have, too bad mine doesnt work without its wire
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