SD release ET Mod Wiki

Quote by WolfMap.deSplashDamage finally releases their official Wiki for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. The Wiki contains near all you need to create a map.

Enemy Territory Mod Wiki Rev. 1

interesting, really.
Too late imo :\ they should create this years ago
Good that they're released it so fast!
thats fast though /:
cool, think I'm going to try to create a map ^^
LOL, if you go make a map the objective will be to steal some weed :>
thats a nice obj

Find the dealers village and capture it, find the weed farm, destroy gate, steal the weed and bring the weed back to allied camp to celebrate the victory over the german weed farmers.
I like.
Infiltrate Axis Weed Farm. Steal a bush. repeat few times. escape with a truck.
I'll try to get it done before CDC, then we can have a capture the weed bonus round in the finals. Winning team gets a joint for each player.

But I think the map will suck because it's the first one I'm going to do :(
sounds decent, now do it!
hopefully there will be some good maps in the future
I think that infos already existed, it just wasn't named et wiki back then. Not sure tho...
Only took them 5 years ...
create a news article
Didn't take them long at all
fakkin fakkoets
you're so cool you're hot!
now seriously great ob, was about time though
it's never too late, I'll make a new map that will safe ET from deing and will cure the supply and b4 only teams :D
some people dont like supply so they play frost instead

not that is any better *sigh* :P
start creating maps before EC thanks.

Would be nice if some people motivate theirselves and start mapping. t
There's no use to whine about this being too late. The info has always been up at splashdamage forums, just use search function. This is more like OLD.
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