Sad emos... :/

How sick one should be to do this on his body. Do a tatoo... ok. But why the f**k mutilate yourself in this horrible way :s.
Yeah scarifications are pretty disgusting but hey - the guys r gonna say it's kewl!

e: I completely abhor this fucking cunt who made the same scar to his child that he did to himself. This man should die in pains, of aids and in a carfire.
the kid didn't have a scar, it was something like ink
thats sick :OOOO
what does emo have to do with it?
I think you have to be very very frustrated and upset on life to do that => emos.
you obviously have no idea of what you are talking about.
Explain me then master. What is an emo?
i will not discuss a topic that has been discussed 100 times already.
i just don't think emo is connected to bodyart like that.
The problem here is that I don't see that as art but as a mutilation.
Quoteyou obviously have no idea of what you are talking about.
ANd you obviously have no clue about art.
i go to a well respected artschool, ofcourse i don't have a clue.
You need schools to feel art? That's news to me. Why not just close all the museums and let only the "educated" people to admire the art.
obviously i know more about art than you do, since you refuse to acknowledge different forms of art.
Art has reasons that usually come from inside the creator. Through his creation the artist wants to express something.
I fail to understand as a human being what are the reasons of mutilating yourself to represent a butterfly. Why not make a tattoo with it? What would I want to express through cutting my flesh other that I have some frustrations?
so, you're saying that this isnt art and that tattoos is?
I'm talking about the reasons behind the artist.
So the artists don't express anything?
wich artists?
Those that choose mutilation as a method for creation.
scarification artists express just as much as tatto artists, if that's what you are after
Good... so I as a simple man decide that I want to express a state of mind, a feeling (it's art as we agreed in the end) and I look for means to do so. What engine makes me to use painful mutilation over the simple tattoo? Why would I like to have my skin ripped of?
infact, tattooing and scarification isnt THAT different in the end. both artforms are buildt of the same basics, so..

i don't get what you want from this. first you said that scarification is no true form of art, and now you say the opposite?
I can change my view over things. I'm not idiot. Why would I keep having an opinion if I notice it's wrong? Do you think I kept this chain going just to flame you? But I still don't understand why someone would mutilate himself and not choose tattoos who are less painful and don't leave those kind of scars.
i see

well, after all it all comes down to personal preference. people are different. i for one thinks that its disgusting aswell, but i still understand why some people might think different.
ofc it's art, doesn't mean other ppl have to like it ;)
I for one think it's rather sick mr vktr :) <3
i don't like it either, but still.. it's art
trueeeeeee But it hurts :P I wouldn't do it! :)
me neither! my 2nd tattoo is healing right now, it's painful enough :XD
second that
We live in such a twisted world that you have to go extreme to feel special.

Some of those smaller ones looks kinda nice, but I wouldn´t take one myself, a normal tattoo sure when I find the perfect one.
what the fuck.
This is awesome. Wouldn't dare it though but some nice art right there.
This is sick. But looks kinda cool + very painful.

But this has nothing to with emo's seriously. :\
masochist heaven
I'd rather kill myself than get something like this carved into my body
image: Scarification+Tattoos+22

i have few ideas how to make her suffer
the last one is to unlish my dark camel on her >:D
was thinkin same :D
what the fuck has emo to do with that?
omg :///
some pict's are looking cool, but if u hv to touch it...
it must be very disgusting....

but, tollerate it, it s the same like tatoo for ages.
zick shizzle men :<
That's sick, eventhough some look pretty nice...
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