suggest phone.

I'd like to buy new phone but wanted to check what u suggest for me.
I'd like the phone to be fine looking (not very ugly, also doesn't have to be very coO0l)
and it should also have walkman in it and ofc it should be with normal price, nuthin very expencive.
stfu busted plix
Nokia N95 best real phone avi
got that one <3 8 gig!
yep yep, its a mans phone not a little touch screen ^^
true i cant handle touch screen thats fucked up :P dont like that kind of phones
I had one it broke within a week, i took it back and got the nokia 95
black one is sexy also <3
image: Sony%20Ericsson%20K850i

top 3 phone imo

have it since 1 phone ever
what's the name of this one?
It's name is Adolf.
You gotta be having a laugh, its shit!
not rly...much better than the other phones

5 megapixel cam
izi to handle
nice desig+ i bought a 4gb card -> mp3 player + gameboy all in one
i'd go for c902 :X

this 1 is fucking HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE almost like n95 :X
got that, its nice
also would like to know which brand u would go for rather and the phone u have, is it working fine and shit
Phones are overrated.
social life is overrated.
I dont what is your problem, i said Phones are overrated and thats it for me.
Sony Ericsson is shit. :-)
SE Walkman > *
+1 for this one. This phone can take an incredible amount of punishment. It's built solid like a brick and does everything that a mobile phone needs to do.
iphone 3g \o/
Wait for the N97 or get an iPhone.
i got the 6300
its pretty "classic" style
its small and useful (not the uber extras) + not expensive

but i have seen MANY ppl with it already, so u wouldnt be unique :P
Samsung SGH-L760 <3
Nokia 5610 (xpress music). Got this one one week ago!
É é. Nokia 3310 ftw!
Sony Ericsson W890i
I <3 my 8GB N95 :-)
I still love my SE W550i, although the screen is fucked up now :(

Kui sind igast hightech värgid ei huvita, siis see on parim telefon. Ise ostsin hiljuti otsides eelkõige telefoni mis oleks vastupidav ja hea muusikamängijaga ning ei ole siiani pidanud pettuma ;3
this one has good price i assume : )
I think it was around €1 for 5 mobile phones, or something.
€4,- per kilogram
wish the HTC Touch Pro was priced that way ^^
Yes, or the N95. :->
Don't like the N95, or any other slide phone.

HTC Touch Pro is rly nice, touch screen combined with full querty keyboard and a slot for mini sd. (Touch Diamond doesn't have querty and sd slot only 4 gb build in)
SonyEricsson Z770i
Motorola V9
Samsung SGH-F250
Samsung SGH-G800
Samsung SGH-F330
Motorola V8 Razr2
SonyEricsson K850i
SonyEricsson W910i
SonyEricsson K810i
SonyEricsson W580i

atm i was looking for these : /
Sony Ericson Walkman w800i <3<3<3 Had it, but my mother broke it omg :(
Sony ericsson if u prefer optimal walkman skillz
Sony ericsson
nokia 3500classic
Nokia N82
sony ericsson k750i for life
It would be good if it had no joystick in it :l

My joystick got broken after a few months. Now I have W880i and surely owns.
How 'bout iphone??
Its comin' 2 greece just 2morrow :!!!!!!!! whooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
I've just bought Nokia 5310 express music --- it's very slim / light. Looks cool .I paid 95 pounds.
It has poor camera though,but it doesn't matter to me.

My k800i died ..was good phone but too heavy !

I can't tell more about my new baby because it's conencted to charger.I will play with it later on.
hmm i read about iphone and i seem to like it though some things : /
In order to help you.
I searched lot of phone models through Google.Finally i vote for Sony Ericsson W8 Walkman .It satisfied all of your requirements.If you are interested to buying this model,Go to E-bay and get a locked one.Because cost of the locked phone is cheaper than unlocked one.If it's locked to different network means,you will need to unlock it for compatible with your own network.If you need an unlocking service visit Here you can unlock your phone at low cost.I hope my post is very useful to choose your phone model.
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