inventory program


I have a small question with which i hope some people that know a bit of php can help.

I wanted to make a small program to keep track of my inventory for d&d sessions with php localy on my laptop. therefor i have downloaded easy php so now i have appache and mysql running. unfortunately my skills with php are nearly nonexcistant and i can't start making it.

does anyone with some php experience and free time care to help me out a bit or show me some decent and slightly understandable how to or tutorial websites... most are jiberish to me...


free movie
d&d sessions ?
that is besides the point :p what would it matter if it's for d&d or keeping a list of books... or games or whatever...
So if I get it right u basicly want something where u can add/remove items, and then display them in a list, isnt it?

You'll need to create a table on your mysql database and add the necessary columns (dont forget to add one for the id, with auto increment, in case you want to build edit/delete functions).

You will need a form wich submits the infos into the database. This might help.

And then you will also need a page to display the items you've added. link
well what i'd liek to do is something like ordening items accroding to type(weapons/potions/misc/treasure...) and then have an add button via which i can decide where the item goes, what name it has and how many. while in the list itself having an +/- button to add or substract the amount...

i'll have a look at the links you gave first though .
good luck
Use this instead of easy php.
And it shouldn't be this hard to do. But if you have really no experience with php it will be difficult of course.
what is the diference with this and easyphp?
It is far better in my opinion.
Try both :)
haha @ free movie :DD zaigon is hotter though.. (;DD)
:D maybe :p but it has no nice looking gymnasts :)
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