germans beware etc

since yesterday a journalerror annoyed me, ill post this breaking news now, though the english aint that good as it was yesterday where i seemed to be ubertalented nstuff...but nevertheless, heres the story:
yesterday i went down to our cellar to get sth i cant remember but when i looked down to my feet i saw some rlyrlyrly shocking thing..there was a blackblackanimal 5-6cm, which i identified as hornet at first sight!=o i thought WAAAAAHHH lets let my daddy save meh n kill this i ran rlyrly fast and me mommeh was liek WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH r u zeriuz?so daddyboi went down n i followed him silently like a ninja and specced carefully his doing..when he told me its no hornet i decided still a little frightened to sneak there carefully till i was very close and its tag was up to the sky now and i was liek WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, cant be, scorpions in germany beside these horrible singers, but this animal was nearly so scary that i nearly preffered to have the band here instead, but this didnt happen unfortunately:<<now came the interesting part, but since youll say 2long2read if i go on, ill stop here about that, but you know what threatens us now, nazigermany

2nd: i need a website where i can buy the logitech ultra flat tasta(yee the shiny one) or the cherry evolution black stream cheaper than 20 E's.

3rd cant remember, soz

4th i wished germany a lot of luck vs belgium eventhough there was no marin, so i was like sadpanda, but suddenly he appeared to doom the mAus' & co so i was kinda happy, but now its not rly important in this journal

edit : 1st btw
i dont understant can you say simple inglish
i thought inglish would fit better to me being fake polish
I see.
Well, carry on then.
looks boring
lol most entertaining Journal for ages, thx for that!
because of his legendary english skillz?
that also :p
ur story ended a bit shit but i like ur highskill writing
i recognized that too, but i guess my motivation to write descreased, cuz i had a hard day at work and im still annoyed that my lyrical masterpiece of yesterday was just lost because of this ***** update
too long read lol...
I'm hungry
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