
went to play my weekly footy 5aside match and with only 10 minutes left i went to tackle my brother with passion and over stretched and snapped my calf muscle :( yes i tore it :((

today week as well i go on holiday to club med kamarina which is a sports holiday so im hoping some kind of miracle will happen which will enable me to do all sports there as always :D

starting physio straight away and took an injection to the ass, in crutches like usual... like my 6th time in them for more than 2 weeks, im like a pro in them!

good thing is that im not working at least since i cant walk :D

anyways... ouchies :(((
sliding tackles at 5 a side? bit over enthiused ? ;oooo

serves ya right, dirty players will always be punished!
i wasnt being dirty at all :( just went to give a normal tackle and i was so hopeful of winning the ball vs my bro that i went and over stretched my left leg and collapsed straight away onto the ground :( painnnnnnn
straight in zeh ass
take care next time
that's bad
to cheer you up here's a suicide bunny for you

image: funny-bunny-suicide-seo-pjlighthouse-11
what's the suspected recovery time?
normally micro tears take about 2 weeks, so if it's only that you might be ok to do some stuff on your holiday fingers crossed! if it's more severe than that then you're looking at a minimum of 2 months :-(
ive had it before and i was on crutches for a week and back to normal as soon as i took the crutches off so im hoping for something similar, diffference is last time i didnt have physio and now i have so im hoping for a better recov ery than last time
never tackle, its for noobs D:
i always take the ball, hell i took it this time as well but i hurt in the process :(

ps. i heard ur an awesome sniper at cod4, we should play some!
i did that in rugby, took 2 weeks to heal before i could do sport again, about 1 until i could walk without noticing anything
im hoping to be fast!
boohoo :`(
If you've torn it then you won't be doing any sports for a month at least
unlucky :XD)
and i think reky hit the nail on the head...calm it down ;x
boo fucking hoo, tighten the fuck up.
being tight is what got me here in the 1st place actually... muscles are naturally very tight
suck it up or die
ive done several operations before and ive done physio several times, been in rehab often, and ive injured every possible muscle/ligament/bone/tendon/joint in my body so im fine!
a muscle tored once is a hunting bitch for lifetime :P

gl with healing, i know what you feel atm :p
Get well soon toxy woxy... xxxxxxx
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