quake3 help
22 Aug 2008, 18:44
just started quake3 (thanks hentai) and its quite a hard game to get used to... also the movement is very hard for me to learn any one know any avis or tutorials i could watch?
thanks alot :]
thanks alot :]
and learn it yourself ffs
Other than hat www.challenge-tv.com hosts a lot of CPM demos from 'oldschoolers' to later stars, you might want to check that out.
use google you nigger.
the movement is 10 times more complex
the weapons are 10 times more complex
the duel gameplay is 10 times more complex
did you ever play the game?
for movement play some pub CA servers like vto or play some tj maps
go up to the jumppads that are on both sides of the yellow armor. You want to jump onto the jumppad and the moment you get pushed forward by the pad you stop hitting +forward but push +left and move the mouse in an ET tracklike manner to the left, or +right and track to the right. This way you should be able to pickup the megahealth and the red armor from the yellow jumppads.
Once you can turn in the air try doing it without using a jumppad. Go down to where the four jumppads are. Start off with a normal ET strafe or circlestrafe jump but once you got enough speed do the same as you did on the jumppad = +right and track to the right or +left and move ur mouse to the left. You should be able to jump circles around the jumppads at amazing speeds :)
+dont push forward
+dont flick the mouse when you want aircontrol
+you need speed to use aircontrol, start off with a normal circlestrafejump. You should be able to switch to aircontrol (not push +forward) after the first jump.
Also check out b0_beta6.pk3, its a trickjump map with all sorts of little 'puzzles' which you can only solve by using Quake trickjumping (doublejumps, ninjawalking, using teleports to get extra speed, aircontrol, bouncing, sliding, etc etc)
wanna 1o1? XD