best idea i seen in ages

I think people must agree with the cancer research cup as a brilliant idea as its not only gunna be a fun and competitive cup but its gunna be worth while(maybe will stop the dutchies saying kanker all the time)..gratz to the guys organising it and lets see how it turns out :D ..well done lads
Quote(maybe will stop the dutchies saying kanker all the time)..

Why don't we make a cup that collects money to kill religious people in horrible painful and slow ways.
+ 99999999999 HAHHAAH it makes me rofl everytime i think about there are ppl who believe in god
als je religieus was opgevoed had je er ook in gelooft mongool
nee dan was die een mongool geweest... dat is die nu nog niet
daar heb je wel een punt ja
en hoezo denk jij dat ik niet religieus ben opgevoed ?
Quote+ 99999999999 HAHHAAH it makes me rofl everytime i think about there are ppl who believe in god
dan hoef je toch niet in god te geloven als je zo bent opgevoed?
ach ok jij zal het wel beter weten ge bent immers de nerd

someone ban him "We do not allow obscene [...]"
Fine, you win.

Good night.
this has fuck all to do with religion..its charity would u feel if ur mum/dad got cancer and had 2 weeks to live..but cancer research had a cure because of millions of donations like this..pls think before u flame
I am not flaming. I actually am convinced that by killing all religious people more problems would be solved than by curing cancer.

Man if we had cures for everything this Earth would just get overpopulated.
made me lol..ur point is strange but kinda true lol!
gratz you are a retard.
I would gladly pay the entry fee.
yea for sure ..its only 15 pounds between 6..dunno ur money lol:p..its fuck all for a good dont see this tho its a shame
like that cups will change anything, please... and i doubt any et team will signup, maybe mummy the rich basterd

i should organize one myself to, quick way of earning money
why hate?..its a worth while cause..the bad comments on this journal will be kids with no sense of humanity..get a life man omg
look who's talking
Quote(maybe will stop the dutchies saying kanker all the time)
Like thats going to happen XDDDD
cancer cup... ok what did you do when I was gone?
preparing your comeback mister
i think that cup will heal cancer
It is indeed a nice idea. And I'm sure it is not a scam, since United States of America evilzombie has agreed/suggested that players should give the entrance fee to TosspoT or someone else who is trusted.
In Den Haag its just normal to use the word kanker..
The idea is nice, but in the netherlands it is like the most used word:<
Not that I would be against the cup, but it would be much better if you would be folding proteins in Folding@Home and actually CURING the cancer one small step at a time.
Quotebest idea i seen in ages (22 comments)

Says enough about the people you hang with
whats that meant to mean ? idea i seen on this website or just in ET as a general..u must be 16 years old to not giv a love for u to experience cancer in ur family, would shock the fuck outa u..idiot
This has been done before =), so it's not really original. Also I do care about cancer but I just donate money right away. I don't need some stupid cup to donate money.

You're calling me 16 and you're wishing someone in my family gets cancer? That shows real maturity man. All I'm saying this isn't a wonderful idea and I've heard much better ideas just today.
i didnt wish it on u in the sense ur thinkin..just if u look at some of the shit that passes through this comunity its a good idea to host such a cup...useless flame from a useless person ..wp
Ye right, I'm nurse and I do volunteers work, what about you my friend?
i spoke more of his "kill all religious people" n shit...
to much I am legend for u
nah he wasnt ..he means its worth paying the fee coz its for a good cause imo
i think it's a nice idea , donno tho how many teams will be in
OMG NEBU <3 im back from holidays :$
hi eddo <3 , i hope u had fun :)
I only have fun when u will go nude on cam sigh :<
:DDD oh but then u will never have fun :(
how were the girls there lil nub?;pp
well I was in this village with 51 people and the youngest person was 40 so take a guess -.-'
omg :( , i guess that u r not milf lover :D
anyway i am going to see a movie \o/ take care
movie wasnt that good tough :<
uve been watching too many films m8
pretty horrible idea...
wel i think everybody is this thread is about to be very surprised. becuase the cure for cancer is almost around the corner. in a nutshell (obviously have to google this yourself im not a scientist). at houston university they have discoverd a way of dramaticaly slowing down cancer cell damage so you can now manage cancer for the rest of ur life by taking drugs. however this breakthrough obviously has not gone public yet because its still in testing stages, it has completed animal trials and is going to human trials next. if human trials are successful then the drug will be available in a few years from now.

wel this is some incredible news for 100s of millions of people suffering from cancer worldwide. if someone reading this with cancer or knows someone with cancer dont get their hopes up with it. human trials have not yet started.

so it is not a cure for cancer in the least just a way of managing it.

probably why also now u notice the adverts on television still for water,food, poverty and hunger around the world but what u now dont see are adverts for cancer anymore. cancer research at houston is fully funded and they have enough for it so u might want to divert the cup at another cause because of the 1000s of scientists worldwide asking for funding to fight cancer. housten are the most likely to find it as it stands.
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