best idea i seen in ages
22 Aug 2008, 21:01
I think people must agree with the cancer research cup as a brilliant idea as its not only gunna be a fun and competitive cup but its gunna be worth while(maybe will stop the dutchies saying kanker all the time)..gratz to the guys organising it and lets see how it turns out :D ..well done lads
someone ban him "We do not allow obscene [...]"
Good night.
Man if we had cures for everything this Earth would just get overpopulated.
i should organize one myself to, quick way of earning money
Says enough about the people you hang with
You're calling me 16 and you're wishing someone in my family gets cancer? That shows real maturity man. All I'm saying this isn't a wonderful idea and I've heard much better ideas just today.
how were the girls there lil nub?;pp
anyway i am going to see a movie \o/ take care
wel this is some incredible news for 100s of millions of people suffering from cancer worldwide. if someone reading this with cancer or knows someone with cancer dont get their hopes up with it. human trials have not yet started.
so it is not a cure for cancer in the least just a way of managing it.
probably why also now u notice the adverts on television still for water,food, poverty and hunger around the world but what u now dont see are adverts for cancer anymore. cancer research at houston is fully funded and they have enough for it so u might want to divert the cup at another cause because of the 1000s of scientists worldwide asking for funding to fight cancer. housten are the most likely to find it as it stands.