skill goes down...

today i drunk only 4 beers :<

im 2 old for this competition
fuck you
you're an attention whore ;(
just bored :<
4beers ? noob.
Need some beer :< I don't want to study anymore.. pls gimme a beeer :'( </3
im 2 old youre 18 something lifes begin :p
drinking beers alone in your room is called alcoholism
4 beers in poland = 2 beers max in bavaria.
sorry, but polish beer can hardly be called beer.
Who gives a fuck about how it is called, as long as it makes you drunk? :D
you never tried polish beer!
you need twice as much to get drunk !!
but it's awesome, like Tyskie, you can drink it like water, so you can drink like 10 tins in a row with nP
oh sure and i guess the 3 - 11 % doesnt make you drunk, here we have light beer 3,5 - 5 percent normal beer 5-7.5 and 7.5 11 is heavy beer, oh and tyskie has 5.6 percent of alkhohol so i dont know what the fuck you call heavy beer, but this is pretty high percentage if you compare it to heineken the most famous beer in the world
that was my impression when i was in poland. sorry for having an opinion !!
even though tyskie or that other beer with z... zwieck or smth... may have 5% you can drink them like water in my opinion (which is not necessarily a bad thing though because it's quite "easy" to drink a huge amount of tins like that). and i'm not comparing it to beer like heineken but to "real" (reinheitsgebot n stuff ;o) bavarian beer !
image: Augustiner%20Edelstoff
good beer is beer that can be drinken like water :), and its because of the air in poland you can drink more.. i had the same.. i cant drink in holland so good its to near to the sea, you live in israel its to close to the see so you cant drink good..
"good beer is beer that can be drinken like water" ?
Ok go and buy beer w/o alcohol. Funny idea :XD
no then i wont get drunk, best is if it has a lot of alcohol but its also good for me.. that i can drink a lot of it
i have a good way. Take a beer, drink a bit, put vodka/genievre in the beer, shake, and then drink :D You're gonna be drunk quicklier and it tastes good ^_^
thats a good way :p
:D Tested and Approved :D
God please, Edelstoff sucks donkeyballz.

image: 398px-Augustiner_Helles > all
edelstoff > normal augustiner anyday!
I'm gonna knife you for this. Watch your back!

But seriously. Edelstoff might be strong, but it tastes like pee. Even my dad hates it.
dont listen to him he is talking bullshit
tbh our beers are like your vodka fuckers ; xxx its smeels like pee it have no alcohol inside and its sux donkeh ballz

edit wanted to reply to this fuckz0rd not 2 you : D
vodka is invented in poland all experts of vodka say polish vodka is top class.. and its obvious since we r the inventers
= 1 beer in belgium =)
interesting, please tell me more.
Stop drinking

image: 9e7ca6d3
Best one
get a few tinies of stella down ur neck you poof
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