After i watched Rambo i have to go to vietnam.
I just wanna spend there 4 weeks. Has any of you guys have been there before ?
Which places are important - which places are cheap ? where can i fuck for free ?

questions over questions


PS:greetings to noobgrin and the rest !

If your journal is serious, which I doubt, you're on the wrong website. Use google, you'll find more useful things than you could ever hope to find here.
its serious

i googled and i found this one !!
dont ban him, hes drunk
just ask john rambo
Enjoy your sexually transmissible deseases.
I'm still wondering why you are able to talk english and be french at the same time, its very rare to see a french guy talking english :<
google does it all ;D
transmittable diseases*
I've seen some excellent photojournalism etc shots from Vietnam, it's a nice place to go (although that's judging from what I've seen in photos/videos)
rofl :)

have fun there morbspast !
flug gebucht

PS: Where is SL`chaoz - long time no see
hm now that u say it... true... haven't seen him around also...
Yeah you go there and you can play the "Is it a woman I'm kissing" game
i've been in 'nam in 1965, fought these dam vietcongs n lost my right leg
kra$$e $chei$$e, gl
my brother went recently for a 2-3 month trip through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Said he absolutely loved some parts of it but some of the more populated cities were absolutely rampant with wild dogs and pretty much all the local girls try to rip you off.

plus he brought back a ton of clothes that cost next to nothing, $2 tshirt that would cost like £20 over here.

If you go then I'd recommend visiting some of the islands. travelling costs nothing and you can stay in a hotel with TV/toilet for like $10 a night.

there are loads of websites with info about it as it's quite a popular tourist place
Halong bay - a must to see
the tunnels of the war for sure

"and that's all i have to say about the war in vietnam..." from? :p
Just ask Gary Glitter
yes my little aidsmonster
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