Headache? :D

what the hell, who has got teh HeadAche?!"!


a) how to remove?
b) how to remove drunkness?
c) how to continue partying?!
d) when does the javelin throw of men start?
abc et
d today ! ;d
a) Burana
c) just drink more
d) 14.10 Finland's time
a, sleep
b, sleep
c, dont go parties
d, llol?
result = you
sleeping won't remove hangover mate.
it does for me
a) ET
b) ET
c) ET
d) wut?
a) stay drinking alcoholical drinks.
b) mix the alcoholical drinks with strong coffee (will not be your best drink ever.)
c) buy dextro-sugartableds and eat them then do b) again.
d) check your textpage.
1) take a cold shower
2) take a cold shower/sleep/some people drink coffee and they are fine/stick a finger up your throat to throw up
3) take xtc
4) donno
a) water, vitamins, take a shower
b) stop drinking, take a walk, sleep
c) get some weed
d) idc
i have.. :D
drink or take aspirine
motilium is better than aspirine. Otherwise for stomachache, malox rox.
a) Burana + coffee + alcohol
b) sleep but why?
c) alcohol
d) care but would be funny if Pitkämäki impaled some nigger again =D
agree, why would we stop drunkness ?
a) Eat a bit, take a shower, walk a bit outside with fresh air, headache is gone =)
b) Drink beer with less alcohol and the drunkness will get down...
c) Drink harder and harder !! One shot is a good way :) (A MAIN, A BOUCHE, A CUL !!! )
d) Go and screw some niggah, they'll answer you.
best way is just not to stop drinking, if you dont need to work ofc.
a) removed best by drinking more
b) should not be removed
c) see a
a) how to remove? drugs
b) how to remove drunkness? drugs
c) how to continue partying?! drugs
d) when does the javelin throw of men start? dunno
a) water, fruits, salty things, sleep
b) sleep
c) drink more
d) dunno
you're 19 and having first hangover ?? LL3LLO3LULOLÜKÖKASF
Going to sauna helps me to remove headache :d
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