in need of e-compassion

imagine... you and your gf (14 months relationship) going to introductionweek @ uni in Amsterdam. You stay @ her room there because you dont have one for your own yet.. You have some arguments and 2 days after she breaks up with you @ the final party before it has even rly started.. you go home with her and she tells you she doesnt love you anymore.. one day passes, she goes out because she still has activities(intro) that day.. you spend your day @ her room, buying her flowers and chocolate, even writing a letter to show her you still rly love and dont want to give it up so easily. She comes home round half past 8 and starts packing because u have to go home.. She still wants to break up with you, despite your efforts. You get in the train with her and half hour underway you discover she cheated on you during that week with some random guy. You discover she tried to cover it up, and u still have to travel for 2 hours (I live in Maastricht)..

Ps. this rly happened to me and on top of that, a week ago I missed Metallica @ pukkelpop, to head to my tent with her..

I think I have the right to be emo atm.

image: emo2
Ps2. dear crossfire... how do you think you react to that, if it were to happen to you..?
lol please :D You should care soo much. Just forget her and get a new girl!
you are right.. At least I am single while starting college now xD
but still, 14 months means a lot to me, same as she meant a lot to me.
but i will try look on the bright side of life :P
Ye but look..she cheated on you -.- i think that "hurts" enough. Anyway you are starting the best phase of your study carrear :D just enjoy thoose parties (trust me.. there is lots of girls looking for boys there)
pic is nice
didnt read the text
-> nice journal
image: B0000YTPES.01.LZZZZZZZ

(featuring [flag=paki] Hype aka b2k)

Well, I think you're better off anyway.
Wow, that's gotta suck. It's seems so bad it's even somewhat funny to me how you could get yourself into that kind of situation. Anyway you has my e-compassion <3
lol female compensation. she cheated on u and now she's leaving u.

gg. dont be dumb and run after her saying 'plzplz forgive me i forgive u plzplz' its hilarious.

let her go and dont ever care about her again. uni without gf is better anyways :D
true that
but she is the one having regrets about it atm and still wants to be friends... though I heard that before, I know half the time its bullshit and u wont see each other anymore.
Don't be friends. Especially not in the beginning after you break up. If you still love her you should just alienate from her and dont have contact until you got everything on order for yourself. Plus, someone who cheated on you, doesn't really deserve to demand or want anything from you and get it.
If she regrets it I would make sure she regrets more and more.
tbh the being friends part , will die after 2 weeks
thats divine punishment for being a pussy and not cheating on her first. soz m8
Going to study @ Vu or UvA? ;O) And what?
PS. She's not worth it etc etc besides if you picked the right study there's loads of hot girls @ uni :)
Quoteimagine... you and your gf (14 months)

Owww.. that's just ugly.. pedobear

<plenty enough fish in the sea btw>
thats sad.
life goes on, gl
you has my e-compassion <3
I'm sorry, I was the random dude, will u forgive me? :/

j/k, u know u have my compassion and shit (I even gave u weed ffs).
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